In MMArmy strategy is very important and is the only way to maximize your wins. Without a good strategy you are relying on blind luck and there is no real point in even playing. There is a reason why specific people are always on top the orgs and have all the belts and that reason is strategy and the use of a system.

Let’s start with the basics:

The most important piece is the Max Fighter upgrade. You will need to upgrade this very fast and only slow down once the Fighter slot is more expensive then your primary training equipment. At that point you will purchase your primary training equip only and move on to more fighter slots until you have 17.
Once you have the primary training equip up to 4 stars (500k) buy the rest of the equip and upgrade them all to 4 stars before you proceed to 5 star equip. This will give you flexibility down the road to change your specification if you chose to do so.
To learn what your primary equipment will be refer to Blaze’s tactics thread to find which equip is essential to your camp and your direction.

Camp Focus:
In order to be effective your camp will have to be focused in one area and on one main style. It is naïve to think you will have all of the styles and that you will do well. As a new camp you must use all style you have at the moment but you should already start picking your direction. It does not matter which style you want to focus on it can me PL, PG, 8pt, CD, FF, CS, GNP, SFTF. IMO the most effective styles to have are the first 4 as the primary and strongest style. The style you chose to focus on will have to be as strong as possible. I am talking about 3.75 at least after 2 months and 4 after that. With the supporting switches being at about 2.75 – 3 stars.

When selecting camp focus, think about a combo of styles that work well together - both overlap in required stats and reciprocally counter.

The PyroBrazil combo uses MA, MT, Brawling, Footwork, Speed, and Power in a 8pt/CD/FF/GnP combo.

Another classic combo involves the grappling skills Wrestling, Sambo, JJ, Str, Balance, and Flexibility in a FS/PG/PL/SiO combo.

There are plenty of other options, and not all combos are so broad (BlindPhaedro make his reputation on a PG/SiO combo), but it's worth thinking about when you planning your camp's focus.

As I have said before some fighters train well and train fast and some train others well. Some do both. Many people say it’s a waste of time to train to 3.5 stats with 50k equip and probably would not even try to get to 3.75 but they are all wrong and they are wrong because their method gets them a tiny fraction of the high ranked wins that those that use my method get. While a monster fighter will be dangerous with 3.5 stats he will obviously be better if he was trained up to 4. Depending on your fighters hiddens once you get your primary style strong enough you will have to worry less about switching styles and that will make it easier to switch when it is most important.

The method is simple. Chose your fighters that have the least potential to be great and have the largest starts to start with to train the stats. These fighters will be designated trainers. As a new camp your strategy will be to train “even” which means you will make one dimensional trainers that can still fight and earn money. Such as Sambo strength or JJ flex or MA Spd or 8pt speed footwork. But the main thing is to train both sides. This will take a bit longer to get the stats up to high level but these fighters will not rot in your camp and will be able to win fights and many times make hit quite high with pop if you are picking your fights. Never fight people that have the stats to directly counter you with your trainer. It is only called ducking if you are not fighting deserving contenders for the belts but otherwise you can decline whatever you want.

With a minimum of 2 people acting as trainers they will each be training one stat until they have a .25 advantage and then they will switch to even each other out and continue. At the same time the trainers are improving you will train your prospects with them so they improve. Trainers will work on the switches also so your prospect will train on the stats for his other styles once he has reached the highest lvl your trainers have.

It is best to recruit every day if you have space or able to cut a weak recruit that is not one of your trainers. Even if you have a full roster you should look to retire the weakest link the fighter that does not contribute that is a poor trainer or poor fighter usually there is always someone like this. Try to recruit every 3 months to maximize your chance of getting a valuable recruit. After initial recruitment asses your fighter sign him up to Natf and pick his style and just test how low he can cut usually i try all fighter 180 and under at LW and then try them at WW all 200 i tend to try at WW and then try them at MW all 215 i would try at MW first then LHW and 235 i try at LHW or i dump them unless they have style i can use to train. HW is great if they cut weight 280 is the max weight but some fighters are not able to make the cut just retire them. If a fighter only cuts weight 60% or less move them up or retire them. You will know a little about your fighter after 4 fights at which time if you have fought every month you will be able to retire and recruit a new fighter.

Picking styles:
Style picking is an art and skill that is picked up over time. You can use Blaze's guide to find the most beneficial style match-up. With many people relying on thisr fighters switching styles in case of mismatch it is still important to get the right style choice first. If you are a grappler you need to know when to use pl vs other styles and when you need to switch to supporting styles like SIO, PG, and GNP if you have the stats for those styles. One you have a fighter that has several styles and you are fighting vs a fighter with many styles it becomes a mental battle. The good news is that everyone follows a trend and a pattern and in many cases you will pick the right style to counter.

The best way to have the idea of what stile he is comfortable using is to check the fighter history. Look at how he picked vs different people, if they seem to be getting the better matchup most of the time check to see if the guy was crushing cans or picking wisely. it is important to asses the person's intelligence level and how much they know. Some people never switch styles for those people use the most beneficial style you have stats for as per Blaze's Guide. The next part is looking at your own fighters trend and record. if you never used a style they will not expect it for the first time. Look at your own trends and try to think of what you would use against your fighter according to the record. Most of the time this is good enough and you will get the right style match-up.

The last element is learning your competition, their personal trends and how unpredictable they are. There are about a handful of people in this game that are very good. against these people it is best to be very unpredictable. think of which style you would use and do the opposite. We all fall into trends and some people will be able to see through us easy, its best to write those people down and use a different method of choosing or use a coin.

I can see a person's trend very quickly if i am trying to win, but it is important to know your fighter first before you hope to figure out the opponent. if your fighter get ktfo all the time try to use a counter style that would prevent or help your fighter not to get knocked out(8pts/ff/cd/sftf opponent try using FS or SiO or PG if your fighter can use them), if your guy taps to body triangles try to use a counter style that would'nt or prevent your fighter from getting subbed(PG opponent, use GnP if your fighter is able to). also look how the opponent gets finished if the guy has a weak jaw you can try to sftf with some brawling and power and speed. if he taps a lot use a grappling style even if its not very strong.

if you follow this you will win more then you lose.

This is it for today I will add much more to this as I go. This is still the very basic stuff many of you already figured out. The real tactics come later. Blaze you are welcome to add your thoughts for each area.

The Secret to MMArmy

The way that Mkick made the game interesting and balanced is that he made the game kind of organic. What I mean is that everything in the game other then the visible stats change constantly. The changes are subtle and most people attribute most things to “random chance” or what ever but its less random if you understand a few more mechanics behind the game.

All of the style balances change. PL will own 8pt most of the time if they were both perfectly built with applicable stats to the same level. But sometimes you will notice the 8pt will become very dominant. And other times you will see other styles doing better then you expected. The style counters are still heavily favored and always will. But many other styles are just a tossup which the fighter with the better hiddens wins. I have noticed this several time since I had 2 camps with the same build so I could notice the changes. When this happened I just avoided the match up which would be a loss. Almost all 8pt guys avoid pl anyways so they did not notice shit. This happens with all the styles but not all the styles are being utilized so its not something easily noticed.

Now that you see this you will also notice that your fighter keeps dropping random fights for no apparent reason. Its part shitty luck but many times it is because your fighter is weaker at that time. All fighters hidden attributes kind of weaken or maybe is just a general modifier. You will notices your finishes are all kind of grouped together and then you get some SD wins or something like that or you lose an SD and then lose again. Also this sometimes affects the ability to cut weight so while you are “on your period” you might not make weight.

This function is mostly useless in the lower orgs because its full of losers and bad chins and no heart and random shit that happens. This revelation will mostly help you once you find a good fighter and you are raising him and get him to the big leagues. At that time you will find monsters that seem to rape everyone and then they lose a fight and normally lose another one. This is a good chance to get a boost because that fighter is on his “period” haha. It is also important to notice this on your own fighters and to try to get move favorable match ups when you are on your “period” and take on the kings while you are at your peak.

Some fighters are freaks and its hard to beat them but even these fighters are beatable if you time it correctly and you have a proper switch, and time it correctly. This trend it tough to notice if you dont fight every month.

So the cliffnotes are:
-style balances change
-fighter cycle from peak to “on his period” its up to you to note the timing
-decipher other fighters cycles and nail him while he is on his “period”

Pyrophilia Tactical Manual

There are four primary 'families' of styles, each with shared critical stats and shared support stats. Within each family there are ways to be AT LEAST 50/50 with any other style.

NOTE – the number of asterisks next to each style indicates my level of familiarity with that style.

The Wrestling Family:

Ground n' Pound ***(**)
NOTE – My understanding of GnP as a FS and PG counter is excellent. However, I almost NEVER use GnP for anything else, so I don’t know much about building a balanced GnP fighter.

Critical stats - Brawling, Power (for PG/FS) + Strength, Wrestling (for everything else)
Support stats – Balance, Speed
Strong against – FS (highly), PG
Weak against – CS, SnB (slightly), SiO (8pt, snb is not a counter)

Slam it Out ****
Critical stats - Wrestling, Strength, Balance
Support stats - Brawling, Speed, Power, Judo?
Strong against – CS (highly), FF (highly), GnP SftF
Weak against - SnB, PL, PG (8pt, CD)

Lay n' Pray *
Critical stats - Wrestling, Conditioning, Balance
Support stats - Strength, Speed, Judo?
Strong against – presumably 8pts, but I’ve never had much success.
Weak against – CS, SnB
(LNP is a last ditch hope if you are fighting strikers and you have a lot of wrestling and many right hand stats like str cond power speed balance and reflex, it does better against CD and 8p then SiO and GnP does)

The Boxing Family

Counterstrike ****
Critical stats - Boxing, Footwork, Reflexes
Support stats – Power, Speed, Brawling
Strong against - GnP, SnB, SftF
Weak against – FF (highly), SiO (highly), CD

Sprawl n' Brawl ****
Critical stats - Wrestling, Boxing, Reflexes,
Support stats – Balance, Power, Brawling
Strong against - SiO, GnP (slightly), LnP
Weak against – CS (highly), CD, 8pts
(use only to counter a possible SiO switch if you are a GnP fighter)

Swing for the Fences ****
Critical stats - Boxing, Speed, Power (Brawling is critical)
Support stats - Brawling, Footwork, Reflexes
Strong against – Doesn’t seem to crush anything (strong vs PL and will crush CD if built correctly, its even vs most other styles and it is even and will beat FS and PG depending on stats and hiddens)
Weak against – CS (highly), SiO (slightly) (SiO is a major counter i use it regularly in my PL/SiO/PG build)

The Choppy-Socky Family - also known as The Kick You in the Head Family

Eight Points of Contact ****
Critical stats - Muay Thai, Speed, Power
Support stats - Brawling, Footwork, Reflexes
Strong against – Does ok with everything but its counters
Weak against – FS (highly), PG (PL is stronger unless hiddens are unbalanced, PG is bad vs 8pt use FS)

Chop Down *****
Critical stats - Muay Thai, Footwork, Power
Support stats - Martial Arts, Speed, Reflexes
Strong against - CS, decent against GnP and SnB
Weak against - FS, PG

Fast Feet *****
Critical stats - Martial Arts, Footwork, Speed
Support stats - Mauy Thai, Reflexes, Power
Strong against – CS (highly), PL (highly)
Weak against – PG (highly), SiO, FS

The Submissions Family

Powerlocks **
Critical stats - Wrestling, Sambo, Strength (Sambo, Str, JJ, Wrestling in that order of importance)
Support stats - JJ, Balance, Power, Judo? (Get all the physical stats you can it all helps Spd, Rflx, Power depending on your fighter tendency to tap it is recommended to ge power to 3 stars and brawling to 3 stars to counter PG)
Strong against - SiO, GnP (Everything except FF and SftF if built correctly. GnP is dangerous if the wrestling is higher then yours and he has a lot of str and Power)
Weak against – FF (highly) (SftF)

Pull Guard ***
Critical stats -, JJ, Flexibility, Strength
Support stats – Wrestling, Balance, Reflexes, Judo?
Strong against – FF (highly), SiO (CD) LNP
Weak against - GnP (slightly)

Flying Submissions ****
Critical stats - JJ, Flexibility, Balance (Judo, speed)
Support stats - Wrestling, Reflexes, Judo (-wrestling)
Strong against - 8pts (highly), CD (FF)
Weak against – GnP (highly)

I dont want any comments on these files just look them over if you dont know what you are doing. it will help you.

Edited by Crippler (08/12/09 12:10 AM)
I am simply the best, better then all the rest, better then anyone, anyone I have ever met.