In 12 fights I'm 9-3 with this guy and he has been Ko'd once. The other 2 losses were split decision. He might make it to the big leagues and then again he might not. I'm sure somewhere along the lines I'll have to stay back in an ORG not due to popularity but for his own good. He needs at least 1 more block strength and .75 sambo and .50 JJ and .50 flex to be competitive in Socat and UP. I've been going by the rules set forth in this challenge and taking only the minimum contract and moving onto the next org. He possibly could've been 12-0 had I not been playing the game like that but I like that kind of structure. It really shows alot about the fighters and in some sadistic way it evens up the playing field. If we all did that we wouldn't have some guy 26-30 holding a 1 star org belt and crushing our 3-0 guys. I've gained 3 SH belts recently with each fighter only having 4 fights. Although, I had to gain it through a guy with nearly 50 fights...there's times where we don't win those fights because we're out matched so bad. I think Crowes Nest has a fascination with those Sh belts bc each fighter he has in the org has 50 fights and keeps challenging my 5 and under fighters with like a 4 fight loss streak...