Welcome to the Redemption News Headquarters!
First off I would like to thank the Lebowskis, the Terrors, the Soviets, the Nemesi (sp lol) and those pesky Beavers

for their participation in the SIXTH installment of the World Alliance Championships!
These Championships will see the current champs the Beaver Wrecking Crew try to defend their crowns against a tough field of grizzled veterans and rising stars alike, including the FOUR time champion Lebowski Crime Syndicate, who are out for blood.
This year we have a special prize courtesy of the resident graphics boss, Mr. NorCalMMA himself. NorCal has ever so kindly donated his services to the WAC Redemption crew with a one of a kind Championship belt for the alliances to bask in.

Also the MVF, Most Valuable Fighter, who has the highest point total at the end of the competition, will be eligible for a special prize, courtesy of Mr. Cal himself.
Enjoy the nights fellas cause come sunrise, there will be a WAR!!
Good Luck to All!!
The Lebowski Crime Syndicate - 43Rd 1 - 2 (WW Bye) 2(HW Bye) 2(MW Bye) 2(LHW Bye) 2 (LHW Bye) 2 (LW SD Win)
Rd 2 - 2(LHW Bye) 2(LHW Bye) 3(LW Sub Win) 2(MW Bye) 2(WW Bye) 2(HW Bye)
Rd 3 - 3(LW DQ Opp. Missed Weight) 4(LHW Sub Win) 4(LHW Sub Win) 4(HW KO Win)
Rd 4 - 4(LHW Sub Win)
Top Team Terrors - 41
Rd 1 - 2(WW Bye) 3(WW Sub Finish) 2(LW SD Win) 2(HW SD Win) 2(MW SD Win) -1 (LHW DQ) 2(LW SD Win)
Rd 2 - 3(LW Sub Win) 2(WW Bye) 2(HW Bye)
Rd 3 - 4(HW KO Win) 3(WW UD Win) 4(LW KO Win)
Rd 4 - 4(WW KO win) 3(LW SD Win) 4(HW KO Win)
Rd 1 - 2(LW Bye) 3(MW Sub Win ) 2(LHW SD Win) 3(WW KO Win) 2(HW SD Win) 3(WW Sub Win) 2(MW SD Win)
Rd 2 - 3(WW KO Win) 2(LHW SD Win) 2(LW Bye) 2 (HW Bye) 2(MW SD Win) 2(MW SD Win) 2(WW SD Win)
Rd 3 - 3(MW UD Win) -1(LW DQ Missed Weight) 3(WW UD Win)
Rd 4 -
Soviet Nation - 20
Rd 1 - 2 (LW Bye) 3(HW Sub Win) 3(HW Sub Win) 3(MW KO Win) 2(LHW Retirement Bye) 2 (LHW DQ bye)
Rd 2 - 2(HW SD Win) -1 (LHW DQ Missed Weight) +2 (LHW Opp. DQ) 2(LW Bye)
Rd 3 -
Rd 4 -
Beaver Wrecking Crew- 17
Rd 1 - 2 (LW SD Win) 2(MW Bye) 2(LHW SD Win) 2(WW SD Win)
Rd 2 - 2(MW Bye)
Rd 3 - 4(MW Sub Win)
Rd 4 - 3(MW SD Wins)