Bounty Hunters,

I have a proposition for you:

It's an eight-week competition, a trial of durability and resolve that will ask you to seek out and execute as many bounties as you're capable of. I'll be assigning you requisite tasks beginning June 1st, assigments I expect for you to carry out to your utmost. Each week, a new bounty will be instituted, replacing the old one. For each bounty you make good on, you'll earn one bounty point.

Sounds simple, doesn't it?


Bounties will be placed on certain tasks and accomplishments that I'll ask you to seek out, beginning from the Monday am reset all the way until the Sunday am reset. The only reset not in play will be the Sunday pm reset, which will be used to premiere the following week's bounty. You'll be asked to complete a series of odd tasks: you might be asked to, for instance, defeat as many fighters named Jim as possible within a one-week span. On Sunday, you'll send me a private message with all the links detailing your collected bounties, and for each successful occurence, you'll receive one bounty point. So, kick the asses of as many Jims as possible, and perhaps you'll find yourself atop the leaderboard. Remember though: you only get credit for bounties if they're documented, so keep those links through the week and send them to me at the end.

Special Bounties

Beyond regular one-point bounties, there will be special, particularly difficult bounties offering ten points apiece. Some weeks, these special bounties will be available to be claimed by only one person, meaning the person who does the best will collect all ten points. Other weeks, it'll be open to all players. Be advised: you'll need to be cunning, astute, and just plain lucky to collect these.

Player Bounties

On week five, it will be time to even the score. For those of you being outpaced by the leaders, you'll have your opportunity to assassinate your fellow bounty hunters by taking points from others' totals and adding them to your own. That's all I can say on this for now. More will come immediately before week four begins.


The Bounty Hunter leaderboard will be updated on Monday of each new week. Players who do not submit a bounty report via midnight on Sunday will not be eligible to receive points. Be advised that there will be no exceptions whatsoever on this; in order to be fair, the cut-off will be 12 pm sharp. Not 12:02 or even 12:01.


Players are now eligible to sign up. Limit one camp per player. Post your name and camp below, and updates will come regularly. Deadline for sign-ups is May 31st at 11:59 pm, or right before the first bounty.


The only rules are that all MMArmy rules must be followed for the full duration of the competition. That means no feeding, folks. The bounties will be designed as best as possible not to favor camps of a particular experience level or style base, so don't worry much about that.

Edited by Beast Mode (06/05/10 09:45 AM)