The week two bounty is going to be posted sometime this evening. I'm getting a few PMs from players with their scores, and you're all welcome to give me what you've got so far and add to it tomorrow. It's probably going to take me an hour or so to verify all the bounties, so the more I can do now, the better. Pain (not to single him out) has come up with a very good method in which he sent me a PM that he's updating throughout the week by editing the original post and adding fights as he acquires them. I think that you're welcome to send me your bounties however you choose, and I won't hold anyone to one method or another, just so long as I receive everything by midnight (EST) on Sunday.
By the way, excellent job so far - some of these scores are really pretty impressive. My hope is that the bounties will get more difficult as we go along, but you guys are killing it right now.