Beast Mode
Registered: 12/13/08
Posts: 2013
Loc: Parts Unknown
Decom will be getting a custom Beast Mode-designed banner and (more importantly) a few credits for his prize. I will give getting our top three a medal a shot, though I suspect for a competition like this, that's not going to happen.
I will be interested in hosting this again either six months or a year from now. Any constructive help on how I can improve this thing would be helpful. I thank those of you who stuck with it, as I know this idea was still very much a work in progress. I would also be interested in either getting some help next time around, or even offering the idea to someone else who would want to run with it.
I really liked this thing, good job Beast. It is sad that so little effort was put in by participants. I was very hyped for this thing but after week 1 noticed that very few were actually 'participating' I stopped actively seeking bounties. You don't even need to go after people to do well in this tournament, really all that is needed is checking once a week on Sunday for your score and it adds a little 'oopmh' to your wins.
I'll help if you run another Beast, but to be honest if only 5 people can be bothered to even check their scores after a week then it's not worth the effort.
1. Put a cap on a score for the week while adding points per bounty. I.E. the weeks where you had to fight another camp and were awarded exponential increases in points. Cap the week at 25 or whatever number you deem fair yet reward more points per win to encourage and award those camps that put in the extra effort. I won but had some weeks with only like 1 or 2 total bounties, guys that had 4-5 in a tough week should have had a lot more than a 3 point increase over me when other weeks you get mega points (like fighting russian camps or winning by finish etc.)
2. There should be season long bounties that last more than one week yet remain secret. I.E. pick an active fighter from a participating camp and make that guy a secret target for another. This could create unknown rivalries and reward points outside of the weekly objective.
3. All bounties involving a title fight should automatically be rewarded with more points (this was only done for some weeks.)