[quote]Oh and who the fuck taps out to a body triangle? What the fuck is that?

Fryklund vs Salaverry

Boo to all this logic and evidence for body triangles...

I just find it annoying that there seem to be body triangle submissions but I never see brabo chokes, arm-in guillotines or achilles locks all of which I see a lot more in MMA.

Thanks for pointing out the lack of d'arce and brabo chokes, I'll bring it up next time I talk to shalabi about new pbp text. I don't really distinguish between arm-in and arm-out guillotines in general so it hasn't bothered me in game play. I think Achilles locks are in there, they're just called "ankle locks."

And anyway, talking about a sub that no one needs to tap to, an Achilles lock just hurts - no ligament, tendon, or muscle damage, just pain. I'll fight an Achilles lock for a week.[/quote]

Arm-in chokes seem to be becoming really popular these days, I mean you see Almeida and Renzo do them, Sakurai got finished with one last week and Lion Takeshi almost got finished by one and I think Jeremy Horn got finished by Marquardt with one of them. I think they're supposed to be harder to defend against if you do them right, like if he pulls guard on you, you can't really tripod and try to pass his guard to get out of it like with normal guillotines and I don't think you can slam him Wanderlei Silva vs Sakuraba II style because the arm is trapped. Brabo chokes are crazy popular now too, I think I counted 3 brabo choke attempts in the last WEC...

I think all pain moves can injure someone if you crank them hard enough, didn't Manny Gamburyan mess up Nate Mohr's knee with one? I remember him saying post fight that the other guys leg was broken for sure. I think some guys do achilles locks so that there is pressure on the knee as well where the other guys leg isn't straight but angled, I saw it in the Robert Drysdale instructional.

If gogoplatas are as common as they are in this game, I'd like to see all the other goofy submissions like monoplatas, locoplatas, banana splits, inverted armbars, bulldog chokes, toeholds...if for nothing else other than to at least to differentiate pull guard and power locks...