this thread is to point out the FEEDERS, how many new players do you see feed off the start? if no one tells them its wrong, then they will keep doing it. as many people complain about lack of players, everyone sure is quick to ban people. NOT all people read the forums, for the first month i played i dont think i read one thing from the forums. so if i was feeding that first 2-3 weeks, and no one tells me to stop, why would i?
again, the numbers i was shown of him "feeding" was so minimal you guys really wouldnt believe it.
mkicks program does not run automatially, he has to run it manually. So what do you guys want from the guy? stop making updates that you all cry for, and instead run every link that is posted on here instead?
PMing him will let mkick know that its a serious enough case that he may have to take action on it, other than that its up to the community to educate new players about rules and the do's and dont's.
again if you feel like HE has to be banned then make your case to it to mkick, it isnt that hard to PM him.
this thread is to point out feeders that HE will look at from time to time and run numbers. Migrant has said that he wrote on dudes page before, quick to ban people? if he continues to do things that arent right then yes he should be banned. you delete all posts from your fighters pages and camps right, well can he not do the same?
if he has time to show you his numbers for "feeding" then he has time to say "hey guys, hes not bad, very minimal, drop it" right??
and lucky for you, you get to see the numbers. we dont, so lets not forget that you have information that is not shared with the community, so to you they are low % but to us he is feeding.
my point was more about the post of well it could be roomates and co-workers, when this obviously wasnt the case. if he was told and kept/keeps doing it. then yes he should be banned.
and whos crying? you are stating your opinion, im stating mine. to say we/i am crying about banning would be the same as me saying you are crying about us asking why nothings been done. i know it doesnt run itself. and no he shouldnt run for every link posted but running every 2 weeks shouldnt be too much to ask regardless of 1 link posted of 40.
and again WE shouldnt have to PM Mkick when he clearly states to post in here and he will check from time to time. HE doesnt want to babysit us and WE dont want to babysit him.