How is this a split? I thought BJ won rounds 1 and 3.
Round 1
The fighters circle each other. The fighters circle each other. Gabriel throws a wild punch, putting him off balance. A few well timed strikes from BJ puts Gabriel on the mat giving his back up. Gabriel Popham rolls back into being mounted. Cook maintains mount but laying some well timed strikes. Gabriel gives his back up trying to escape the mount. The bell signals the end of round 1.
Round 2
BJ Cook is rocked by a standing elbow strike. After dodging a jab, Gabriel Popham lands a kick to the ribs of BJ who winces in pain. Gabriel Popham connects with a strong right hook. Popham connects with a strong right hook. BJ Cook takes down Gabriel, but remains standing over him. The bell signals the end of round 2.
Round 3
After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Gabriel Popham receieves numerous knees to the thighs from BJ Cook. Popham breaks away from the clinch while delivering a knee. BJ Cook snaps back the head of Gabriel Popham with a stiff jab. Gabriel takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. BJ Cook keeps Gabriel Popham at a distance with some well timed jabs. BJ Cook connects with a right that puts Gabriel Popham off balance tumbling to the mat, as BJ Cook towers over him. BJ Cook lays into Gabriels thighs with some well timed kicks while Gabriel Popham is grounded. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
BJ Cook wins by Split Decision
ChiefBD: Wocker types random shit like this is his journal Richardson