crip why do you keep "wondering" or "questioning" as to whether i ever left a note on the guys page?
i could have sworn that mkick made one of the things that new players go through is reading something about fighting your own camps being a bannable offense
if we players go out of our way to come and report feeders as we find them in the manner that we have been instructed to do so:
1) why should we pm mkick? especially when we are too busy crying for updates
2) go post on the guys page that he is breaking rules that he has already been informed about when he signs up (my understanding)
2a) if it isnt the case that you have to read that when you are making your camp then it should a terms of agreement that nobody reads....but if you dont, too damned bad
i wasnt questioning if you left a note or not, i guess i couldve worded it better, I meant to say is, i cant say for sure if in your post, you told stan also, that it is against the rules and is a bannable offense.
If you just said for example, "its frowned upon", stan might have not taken it seriously because he didnt reply to you, and just deleted your post.
So i can only go by MY post, where i told him its illegal and a bannable offense, and he seem to take it serious enough to post his side of the story here in the forums regarding the wording of the rules as to feeding or not feeding.
Stan read the rules as so long as he wasnt doing it every fight, then it was ok to fight your own camps. That is where the issue lies.
He said after my post and explanation he would stop feeding, if you guys think that is a bad thing that a new player is now aware of a bannable offense, and says he will stop fighting his own camps then i really have nothing more to say in this thread, ill just let you guys get all pissy at him.