I am clearly not ready for EFC / GLORY. In over 15 fights, I have been woefully outclassed and won only 2 fights with 3 fighters that I managed to make it up there with.
Okay, at first, I jumped up because of the excitement to finally have opened those two leagues and if not for a bad style selection, I might have been able to snag a fluke win for the GLORY LHW title.
So yeah. Looks like the 2 and 3 star orgs will be my home for my best fighters for a while until I have all the necessary 500k EQ to breach the 3.5 stat marker for all of my teams key stats.
Oh well. Still haven't won the DELIRIUM, SOCAT, or MFO titles.
In other, good news... My old bastard Jov is riding a 6 defense run as CAGES MW champ.