After you have fought your guys for the reset you've chosen to make a NEW post with the fully filled out form. DO NOT edit your old post and expect it to be counted.

You may edit to fill in your results however you must copy and paste the finished product in a new post. Best way is to private message yourself your fighter choice form (am post), fill it in as you go in your private message and then copy/paste it into the thread when finished.
Youll then have the form in your messages for easy changing and quick posting for the duration of the season.

The reason for this is each new post notifies me to record the next bit of data. By not posting a new card for results, I will not be notified that you filled it in and therefore will not know to count your points.

Good Luck fellas!!!
Enjoy the event!

The Bus Riders
The Bus Stop

Chop, chop, chop. Judo flip. Chop, chop, chop.