While your improving the game is there a way to make the unwritten rules part of the game. Is there a way to make it impossible to fight your own camps? Meaning if i tried to click the accept button for a challenge it would have a pop up that says cant accept fight due to same ip address?
I ask this because with the new wave of people coming in they first would have to learn to rules of the game...then come on the forums and learn the unwritten rules (which even we all cant aggree on). just seems like it would be the same contentious environment we had before and then everyone left....
also on the incubating thing...would it be possible to implement something like if u don't fight your guys within 10-15 resets he automatically reties from apathy. You could have a fun note attached with it on your camp home page "Fighter A retied out of boredom"
Originally Posted By: ChiefBD
Originally Posted By: Grapple420
The numbers we have now are shit as well. I cant get fights because I log on too late. Thank you chief for letting me know where you stand. Been wanting to see how my camps fair against each other for awhile.
I said it was against the rules. I just said there is a difference between doing that and outright feeding. Which there is a difference. All i'm getting at is cut him some slack. If the game died out to the point it did months ago WHICH IT WAS WAY WORSE THAN NOW. It's understandable if you can't get a fight for days.
The game number is still low sure but HALF THE FIGHTERS are fucking 0-0 records. Stop incubating and making trainers and orgs will look twice as big.
Advertising will come when i add shit to the game. I'm not going to spend my money on advertising and see a wave of people come and go without putting more into it first. In the mean time spread the word yourselves if it's too bare for you or fight your fighters earlier.