Originally Posted By: Big Ace
I for the record have a problem with fighting your own camps.

While Chief reserves the right to say whatever he wants on the matter since he's the owner - I would say that we are here as coaches to compete against one another. Fighting your own guys where it could even be suggested that the coach had a control in the outcome is kind of retarded.

You guys do whatever you want. Fight away against yourself. If I see it you've certainly lost my respect as a coach for whatever that's worth.

I was just stating my opinion on how i felt about it. If it's against the rules which people have said many times that it is...then it's against the rules. Just because i have an opinion on something doesn't mean it's the way it has to be.

The whole reason i jumped in on the subject was to explain that there is a difference between fighting your guys and feeding. There is a difference. BOTH are against the rules but there is a difference and i'm not going to look at it like some lazy hater prick like some.

ANY way you slice if fighting your own guys is wrong but i can understand a new player doing it without knowing. Fighting two camps to get fights and for the overall experience not having to wait on someone else online to get a fight. Fighting your guys to test for fun or whatever. My point was i understand not that i approve of it and it needs to be ok.

I just yesterday banned a bunch of camps from a feeder that Trite found so i don't wanna hear any crying about me saying it's ok to feed.