Here is a link to the first tournament: will be using some of the same rules as last time, these are the rules:
- Fighter ID cutoff is 1153500+
- Fighters will all be Heavyweight, this way we will have wrestlers fighting other wrestlers quite frequently.
- Start fighting your guy for reset 2bh, any fights before that wont be counted into the points. DO NOT FIGHT UNTIL THE RESET IS DETERMINED
- No limits to number of fighters you can enter, unlimited for more entries!
- The aim of the game is to fight as much as possible, this is a league format, not who wins most EFC titles etc.
- Preferably no duplicate wrestlers, unless their different gimmicks, like a Rocky Maivia and a The Rock.
- Points are as follows:
- 3 Points for a victory
- 1 extra point for a stoppage
- 1 extra point per title victory, 2 points for a Preliator level title, 3 Points for EFC
- 1 extra point for defeating a fellow tournament wrestler
Post your interest below and the wrestler you'd like to make a tribute to.
This tournament just involves you making a fighter as a tribute, and fighting them, easy

and dont forget, no limits to number of fighters you want to enter.
Gold, Silver and Bronze awards available.
Any questions, please ask. If not post your fighters, you have a week to enter your wrestlers, DO NOT FIGHT until the first reset has been posted!ALL ENTRIES IN BY MARCH 2430 RESET AND FIGHTS BEGIN APRIL 2430!!!Roster:
- Ryzo -
The Undertaker - Matty -
Taz - Ippo4ever -
Goldberg - Grapple -
One Man Gang - MFP -
Kane - ATTBoxer -
Scott Hall - Mig -
Buff Bagwell - Grapple -
123 Kid - Robo -
Rusev - Kid -
Sting - Tommo -
Heidenreich - RockinTurtle -
The Rock - Ro -
Brock Lesnar - Grap -
Alex Wright - Ehrod -
Shawn Michaels - Blim -
Hulk Hogan - Robo -
Dean Ambrose - Bobert -
Stone Cold - Bobert -
Macho Man - Ehrod -
Kurt Angle - Black Santa -
Crush - Harrier -
Brutus Beefcake - Grapple -
Chyna - Drink -
Big Show - Harrier -
DDP - Foul -
Christian - Black Santa -
Gangrel - Ehrod -
Rowdy Roddy Piper - Ehrod -
Scott Steiner - Black Santa -
Mr Perfect - Robo -
Owen Hart - Drink -
Bam Bam Bigelow - Bobert -
Ted Dibiase - Blim -
Andre The Giant - RockinTurtle -
Ric Flair - Matty -
Triple H - Matty -
Randy Orton - Matty -
Mark Henry - Bobert -
Booker T - Harrier -
Kamala - Ehrod -
Rick Martel - Wocker -
Kanyon Final Standings: RETIRED - Bobert -
Booker T (84-66) - 302pts
RETIRED - Ehrod -
Scott Steiner (64-41) - 251pts
Brock Lesnar (57-51) - 229pts
RETIRED - Black Santa -
Crush (56-59) - 210pts
RETIRED - Bobert -
Stone Cold (55-52) - 200pts
RETIRED - Matty -
Rob Van Dam (57-49)- 200pts
RETIRED - Harrier -
Kamala (47-35) - 183pts
RETIRED - Harrier -
DDP (47-33) - 180pts
RETIRED - Black Santa -
Gangrel (44-38) - 157pts
RETIRED - Blim -
Andre The Giant (37-37) - 141pts
RETIRED - Ehrod -
Shawn Michaels (38-25) - 139pts
Kane (35-33) - 138pts
RETIRED - Bobert -
Macho Man (36-32) - 133pts
RETIRED - Bobert -
Ted Dibiase (36-39) - 130pts
RETIRED - Ippo4ever -
Goldberg (37-31) - 130pts
RETIRED - Drink -
Bam Bam Bigelow (36-40) - 128pts
RETIRED - Grapple -
One Man Gang (31-26) - 124pts
RETIRED - Black Santa -
Mr Perfect (30-33) - 114pts
RETIRED - Matty -
Taz (31-29) - 112pts
RETIRED - Robo -
Dean Ambrose (27-24) - 101pts
RETIRED - Ehrod -
Rick Martel (25-18) - 99pts
RETIRED - Blim -
Hulk Hogan (25-29) - 95pts
RETIRED - Ehrod -
Kurt Angle (26-21) - 95pts
RETIRED - Harrier -
Brutus Beefcake (24-17) - 89pts
RETIRED - Grap -
Alex Wright (21-23) - 83pts
RETIRED - Foul -
Christian (20-18) - 74pts
RETIRED - Grapple -
123 Kid (19-15) - 67pts
RETIRED - Drink -
Big Show (17-19) - 66pts
RETIRED - Robo -
Rusev (18-20) - 65pts
RETIRED - Grapple -
Chyna (16-17) - 60pts
RETIRED - Tommo -
Heidenreich (13-10) - 51pts
RETIRED - RockinTurtle -
The Rock (11-5) - 40pts
RETIRED - Matty -
Triple H (10-8) - 36pts
Scott Hall (8-12) - 30pts
RETIRED - Matty -
Randy Orton (5-11) - 30pts
Buff Bagwell (7-10) - 27pts
RETIRED - RockinTurtle -
Ric Flair (6-10) - 22pts
RETIRED - Robo -
Owen Hart (6-9) - 20pts
RETIRED - Wocker -
Kanyon (4-5) - 16pts
RETIRED - Ryzo -
The Undertaker (1-4) - 3pts
Sting (1-5) - 3pts
RETIRED - Matty -
Mark Henry (1-7) - 3pts