decline a challenge if you are scared or don't think its fair. i challenge all, and i accept any challenge sent my way. all my 0-1 year fighters are in tier 2 also. no one is forcing you to buy out contracts and drop down whenever you get the opportunity. i'm sure rookie coaches that have no fucking clue what they are doing love fighting your 10-1 guys with optimized builds. hopefully they can lock you and other bottom feeders out of LFC and then maybe some of these new coaches would stick around.
Brave of you to challenge all when your fighters are all 5+ years older than other in their orgs lol. Would it be better if my "10-1" fighter was 0-0 but 5 years old? How do new coaches find success? From coaches like yourself calling them duckers and crushers when they refuse to fight you when you have ever possibly advantage? My "advantage" is knowledge. Me being there lets them see how stats and styles work. I dont win because my fighters are 5X their age or the stats. Knowledge is there to take, its no advantage. I also give them tips and props. I'm not a miserable old prick like yourself who tells noobs that their belts in low tiers dont matter. Any wonder it's impossible to defend any title thats not efc. How are new players suppose to learn etiquette?
I encourage everyone including yourself to fight fighters early and often. Would also save mmarmy if chief could force contracts based on stats and or age.
0-3 yrs tier 1
0-4 yrs tier 2
5-8 tier 3
8+ tier 4