Just seeing this.
Chief seriously one of the best things thats ever been attempted/ done to improve this game.
My only concern is this, "Will also keep in mind missed resets for the formula but may have to ignore this, we'll see." Im concerned that if this is ignored it will encourage certain coaches that dont have balls to string together a somewhat decent streak and sit until he/she is recognized by the formula to become #1 contender. Thoughts?
Yea, this isn't really being put in as a rule. It's just more of a helper and baby step towards auto matchup logic. Which will be an option for each fighter to sign up for and the game will decide your opponents. You'll still be able to play normally and w/ freedom if you choose to though. But this number 1 contender thing is more of a helping tool for people that are lazy. You guys can still police each other all you need to until the formula is the way everyone wants it to be.
That may never happen but i'd like to have the missed reset thing in there too but i don't know if the direction the game may end up going will support the idea of fighting every month. Mainly it's just the difficulty of coding in all the variables right now though and i'll look to get in everything we can for now.
Might be heading towards injuries and stat degrading down the road and with that fighting every month won't be a thing. That's possibly what will happen but may just very well be the same game we have now but with all the other additions.
Long story short the number 1 contender highlight is not a rule. Just a reference.