Simyard Fight League now attacks with all available fighters left. You can challenge any alliance with a fighter from the same weight and you only fight your fighters 1 time this round. You can start sending and fighting right now.
If you win a fight with your bastard you can get a new 0-0 fighter into your line up. If you defeat a bastard you also get to replace fill an open weight with an 0-0 fighter while also earning 10 bonus points.
You have until April 2577 to complete your fights so make sure you post who you are challenging and that you have sent the challenge or your fighter will be eliminated. If your opponents do not show to accept the fight they will be eliminated.
**Most Improved Player of 2015** **Coach of the Year of 2016** **Most Entertaining Poster of 2016, and 2018** **Best Event of 2016: Basebrawl** **UFC Prediction King of 2016**