Carl Wang has one fight left on his contract with UNO FC, and I doubt ABC takes the big fella' now so i've been going through some options. UNO did treat Sammy boy quite well so we may continue fighting with them for the time being. Charlie is still training for the upcoming title fight and main event at LFC so we left him be for the time being.
I trust Charlie the most you know, but this left me to train with Wang which is not a bad thing. Carl is the only heavyweight here but I am the closest to his size so we are more compatible when it comes to sparring. He's huge and has great balance, so I worked on perfecting some double leg take down attempts.
His opponent is a 19 year old american kid that is said to be a submission artist, but is 0-2 in UNO FC thus far. This may actually be a great test for our friendly giant. UNO FC - HW - Axl LANGE vs. Carl WANG This kid was fucking playing mind games with Carl, legit I was fighting off the urge to get up there and beat the fuck out of him but I knew I had to put faith in Carl to handle this.
I was furious when Axl caught Carl with an eyepoke, I knew it had to be intentional but the fight continued. Charlie was back at the gym training, so I only had Kevin for support and vibrant cheers. Carl's striking ... Was not up to par, and he actually got put down to the mat with a well timed punch by Axl. I grit my teeth, hoping this wouldn't be it.
Carl put his training to good use and fended off the submission attempts in the first round, before finally escaping. Axl started firing off punch after punch, and Carl seemed too slow to react but ... He was laughing. Our gentle giant was standing there LAUGHING at Axl's punches.
My god, what the fuck was going on?
My advice after that round ended was to get the fight to the ground and use his strength to maul Axl. Will it work? We'll see.
I wanted to rip Axl's head off for the stunts he was pulling, even eye poking Carl a -second- time in the fight. This had to be intentional, come on ref! They were on the ground for the majority of the fight after Carl had dragged him down, but this was rough ... Axl was clearly the more active fighter here.
"Carl. Finish him. Submit him. It's your only way. You're way stronger so just force yourself on him."
3rd round was a snoozefest really, the two fighters kind of just hugged eachother to see who would get better control, but Carl truly did nothing of note to win this fight. Passive as he was in his first bout really and this is the Carl I hate seeing.
I think Carl should have won due to all the illegal eye pokes but it was not meant to be.