If Sammy boy gets through this? He'll have a crack at getting revenge on Arnold and taking the belt back to our gym, but .. Bermudez is one TOUGH hijo de puta. He could easily have a title shot right now, but wanted to test himself against Danielsson who was once a champion in this organization.
Danielsson needs this win and he'll be on the right track. He hasn't shown the same dedication as when he submitted Graves, but he's doing well for himself--Despite always banging women.
ABC - FLY - Sam DANIELSSON vs. Marc BERMUDEZI hate this. I can tell IMMEDIATELY from the start with the way this spaniard moves and sways that he was just like Song in style. If Danielsson wants revenge on Dong Wan Song, then he needs to show his progress against Bermudez.
He does some spinning back flips before smoothly transitioning into a cartwheel and ... Danielsson barely blocks it, despite the unpredictable nature of the attack. They circle each other and start feeling each other out for a proper range and .. Danielsson lands an uppercut, and chains it into a hard hook! Wait .. Bermudez quickly ducks under and takes Sam to the mat, alongside his back! The round ends before anything major could come of it. Phew.
"Sammy boy, you need to be aware of his movements and take him down. Beat the crap out of him and don't let him turn around. That fancy back flip bull shit giving me a head ache here. Put him out."
This Bermudez fellow is a COMPLETE show off. Doing some flips and performing some dances for the crowd. "Sammy boy, fuck you watching for? Get him!" Marc spins and lands a kick flush to the ribs of Danielsson, prompting him to wince. Bermudez slips under a strike from Sam and takes him to the mat in the SAME position as the first round.
"This isn't good, Danielsson. We only have one more round and this has been absolutely rough. You need to finish him, and I believe in you. You'll be back with a title shot and women if you get through this fucking spaniard bastard. Look at the smug grin on his face, beat that fucker."
Marc thros a had jab, but Danielsson counters with a cross that ... ROCKS BERMUDEZ! he fighters work the clinch carefully, not letting up before Sam finally isolates an arm for a spinning kimura but is forced off with a shovel punch. Owch. Marc goes for a power shot, the haymaker but .. Misses entirely and ends up spinning around, Sam quickly taking advantage of that and goes for the back-- Round over. Fuck.
Marc Bermudez wins by Unanimous Decision
Danielsson has had a lot of trouble with these kind of fighters, and it took him a good 2 rounds before he figured out how Marc fights. Back to the drawing board .. Danielsson has a lot of work to get through.
'Least we still have Carl as Champ.