A left high kick from Barnett keeps Sam Danielsson at bay. Sam Danielsson connects with a hard punch making Fred bring him in to a tight clinch. Barnett receives a couple of stiff short hooks in the clinch. Fred lands a powerful uppercut in the clinch. While tied up, Fred is met with a hard uppercut. Danielsson attempts a striking combination, but Fred Barnett forces the clinch. Fred places a few punches to the ribs while tied up. A strong elbow forces Sam to lose his balance and fall to the floor. Fred kicks at the thighs of Sam Danielsson. Barnett lays into Danielssons thighs with some well timed kicks while Danielsson is grounded. The round comes to an end.
"Don't let Fred take the fight to the clinch, get underhooks and drags his ass to the ground. Fix for the submission, Sammy Boy."Look, Sam didn't do too bad in the clinch there but Fred has nearly 40 fights of experience and I don't want to fight his game.