#478016 - 12/07/17 08:32 AM
Re: Final Alliance Event of 2017...
[Re: Warren]
Registered: 12/03/08
Posts: 8486
Loc: South Carolina
Story Line:
The three hoots of an owl deep in the dark, cold, forbidding forest brought an even deeper chill to the bones and the minds of the four highly skilled combat soldiers huddled somewhat together this mid December night. As they stood close to each other speaking in nearly a whisper and listening intently to every noise coming from the dark, and its possible meaning, it seemed obvious that they were waiting. Standing idly... no guards, no fire to warm their frigid limbs, no attempt at concealment, no weapons drawn for potential defense, no distance between them for defensive movement should an attack occur. What were they waiting for...
These four elite soldiers didn't know each other, and certainly didn't trust each other. In fact, they were enemies. Enemies that had come together with mistrust toward each other but for what they perceived to be a common good for their own alliance. Each weary of the other. Each highly mistrusting of the other. Each ultimately looking out for their own alliance and looking for a possible advantage that they could use that would give victory to them and defeat to the others. Each warrior was sure that the others were undoubtedly looking for an advantage of their own. None could be trusted, regardless of there present willingness to work together as one.
Or was it a cunning ruse...
Edited by Warren (12/12/17 01:44 PM)
#478018 - 12/07/17 08:32 AM
Re: Final Alliance Event of 2017...
[Re: Warren]
Registered: 12/03/08
Posts: 8486
Loc: South Carolina
The Parchment:
Parchment Contents:
* Dux xx the heavy losxs of combat fixxting men throughout the year, it appears that the fighting alliances's troops xxx worn and wearx from all txe baxtles for control. The new fighxing recruits are poorly trainxd and have no real experience in combat. xxey arx 0/0 in xattle with xxly noxice training in style and axxributes. Txe King hxx offxred these coxscript serfs a way out of poverty by "STANDING" and fighting "For Honor" under their alliaxxe flag rather than cowardlx "Taking a KNEE" lxke sheeple.
* We xave learnxed that all exght divixions wixhin each alliance are recruiting from far and wide to build their strength up.
* Agenxs waxtcxing ovex troop movxments and combat preparations inxicate txxt all of the front xxne combat fighters hxve recently been recxxited as of, Sxptexber x596.
* It has been xearned, by xxxs droppxing on talkative leadxrs that were uxxer the influence of cheap rum and wine at the locxl Slauxhter Hoxse Tavern, thxt recruxting hxs been frantic. It seems that with the draw xxom the local peasants there will be, no, "Spxcial Rexxuits", wxxxin the fighting ranks.
* It is beliexed that there will be one specific secrxt leader of each fighting front apxxinted xx their alliance. They may or may not change from batxle to bxttle. There has been a spxcial bounty placed upon the hexxs of these violenx and unpxincipxed leaders that wixl pay the tradixxxnal bounty reward for their demxse, plus 10 axditxonal coin. Take out the leader anx the minions will scaxter in fear.
* Rewxrd coin fox the dxmise of a comxxt figxter will xe 5 cxin.
* The rexxrd for a sxverely dominxted oxxxnent will be 3 coix.
* xhe paxout of coin for a fxghxer thxt is taken from the field that hxs minor woxnds is 1 coin.
* We have alsx been infoxxed that any fighting poxxtion that is left unfillxd will come at x cost, -2 cxin.
* It hxs been lexked that any fighxxr posted for battle that doesn't "STAND" and "Fight for Honor" undxx his Alliance Flag will be exxcuted by quxxtering at a cost xf -5 coin.
* Information suxxests that any combxtant that mxxts his demise can be replaced by anxther conscrixt recruit that is of the same criterxa.
* It is believed thxt the first sneak attxck xill come during the early mornixg hoxrs of, Noxxmber x5x6.
* Our inforxxtion xxggests that attacks will follow during the witching hours of txe very sxme day in oxxxr to cause as much destrxxxxon as possible. We just are not sure at this time. Prepare for the unexpected by being vigil.
* We have cextain xnowledge txxt these attacks will continue wixhout rxlent until exhauxxion takes hold axd xxe weak shxll be maxtered. This is belixxed to xe xpproxixately 3 suns in the sky, maxbe more.
Edited by Warren (12/13/17 02:03 PM)