We are going to complete this initial lady challenge from Drink for a revive, and then we will continue on with the round once we know what the result of that is.
**Most Improved Player of 2015** **Coach of the Year of 2016** **Most Entertaining Poster of 2016, and 2018** **Best Event of 2016: Basebrawl** **UFC Prediction King of 2016**
Here's an easy reference list with hyperlinks so we can minimize confusion and get this thing moving along quickly once we have finished Drink's revive challenge.
TNG will send the challenges and THC will have to accept them in order. For example, Dick Mac Niadh will have to fight our #1. If he wins he will move on to face our #10, another win and he will fight our #21. If he loses at some point he is considered dead and should decline any remaining challenges. The challenges will be going out in bunches so it's important THC is extra careful to accept challenges in the correct order.