Originally Posted By: Souchine
I only run Legacy Muay Thai right now, mostly a striking camp, been having a lot of luck with a Swing for the Fencer named Atlas Daniels who's currently #58.

I have a bunch on incubator since I'm tired of having a deficit camp total for w's/l's....lol...I know it probably doesn't matter so much, but those boys will be hittin the circuit soon!!!

Just absolutely in love with the game right now. So much fun, and all of the new additions since I stopped back in 2016 are just awesome.

Big props to the designers...I think this is one of the most underrated games ever, and I'm shopping it hard to my friends these days, so hopefully they will see the light and get on board.

Awesome to hear! Welcome aboard and appreciate everyone who spreads the game around. We need more players to make the game world funner for sure.

Most of the additions are due to the forum users suggestions. We have a great community of people helping shape the game even though it might seem quiet they are always around to help.