Usually when playing a game you'll find out about all the features of the game gradually when playing it. I don't think all the information will stick with the coaches that haven't played the game yet at all.
Agreed, the idea would be a quick 30-60 second video quickly explaining the premise of "rock paper scissors" premise that the game operates under. Something they can constantly refer back to.
Getting the info you mentioned throughout the first week of playing would be very benificial, I'd say. Maybe getting a tutorial week with some of the info popping up when the new coach logs in. After that week maybe give them a chance to move the camp to a different country or get game cash back to change equipment that has been bought already.
The game is optimized for Pc/Web Browser functionality. Help bubbles are coded into the game, however they are triggered in some functions by hovering over a link with your mouse cursor. This is unfortunately mute on mobile.
Forcing the tutorial week would slow down new player engagement.
There should be a way to create a page by page tutorial.
Page 1: shows you how to recruit, and explains the options.
Page 2: explains your recruits stats and offers a style suggestion and walks you through selecting one.
Page 3: signing your fighters first contract.
Video would be quicker and more succinct, and easier to produce. Maybe Trite can offer his buttery smooth voice for voice over. So long as he sticks to the script

Equipment is too expensive for new coaches. It used to be ok but the population is too small to have these guys forced into having low stats.
I agree, a discussion should be had about scaling equipment costs. This is no different than scaling fighter orgs to population.