Keep it the same but make everyone start tier 1 imo. Hold coaches responsible for crushing (large age or stats in low orgs). This way the new players have somebody to play with but since stats are equal it'll be as close to fair as it can be (still at a disadvantage due to knowledge and equipment). In a game about fighting few people are doing it. If everyone stopped incubating then everyone wouldnt have to do it to succeed.
As it stands now new coaches struggle to find fights, when they do pop up to tier 2 theyre annihilated by 5-7 year old vets with triple their stats and with the knowledge of how styles work. If they cant find fights they fight themselves and we ban them for it. Titles are also meaningless. I try to fight my guys every reset and the champs are often the hardest to fight. Back in the day all titles were valued and it was exciting for newer coaches to win them. It would be nice to see mmarmy return to at least a fraction of its old self.
I called drink out recently and whether I was right or wrong I just wanna say I highly respect his game changes. He's fighting younger fighters, fighting more often, and his fighters are always appropriate ages and stats for their tier. I hope the rest of this community can grow together as well so we can repair this game some ourselves via the community. Chief Is awol but he made some amazing changes to the game. Lets enjoy it and actually fight our fighters in a game about fighting.