Originally Posted By: MMA Phreak
Originally Posted By: Snake
Don't know if this would qualify as unrelated to the thread, but figured I'd post it here since I found it interesting.

To me it seems like a very clear example of ends justifying the means given what was considered optimal advice in regards to raising children, even if the monkeys were quite obviously subjected to horrifying treatment.

It's quite interesting to see how things that would qualify as common sense nowadays were in stark contrast to what was advised back in the day - similar to how cigarettes were thought to have no harm although even more unsettling in this case since we're talking about the "optimal" treatment children were supposed to receive at home.

that was a very disturbing video. i am far from a PETA animal rights activist, but those experiments were way over the top and that doctor was a criminal for what he did to those monkeys.

with that, i'm not opposed to animal testing for human health (not fucking cosmetics or other bullshit). what is the ethical line where testing becomes torture? that line is different for everyone. for me, i would equate it to the supreme courts early definition of obscenity (we don't know how to define it, but we know it when we see it). several factors come into play when trying to draw that line. some are: the animal's level of sentience, the amount of physical pain/discomfort, the amount of emotional pain/discomfort, the length of the various discomforts, and the ability of the animal to recover from said discomforts, to name a few.

Personally, I'd have drawn the line at the inducing severe depression on monkeys, what followed after that with surrogates maiming their young was quite simply sadistic in nature in my opinion.

And to Hstlr, yeah the whole MkUltra experiments were crimes against humanity. There's no telling just how common testing like that could be in this day age either, given how secretive it all is.
12-5 bet record since May

Shit went down, sig updated accordingly.


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Sometimes I forget what my AV is, then a big smile adorns my beautiful latino face upon recognition. smile