initial grind and cost as a newbie should be lower, or non-existent, because you start with no equip, no ability to get custom items etc.
start of game, maybe more starting cash when u start a camp, like 10mil? that way you can get a 5mil and many 500ks, or 2x 5mils then the grind can start, i doubt chief makes any money off newbies and most, if not all, off the guys who have played for a long time (correct me if im wrong)
may help with keeping new camps and coaches active rather than dying off quick....that and they should be pushed onto the forums or at least towards the game guide
[x] Olir: kinda hard to program a new set of recruits for returning camps. coz if you allowed an empty camp 5 fighters that could be abused. you'd have to make sure they had to wait x amount of resets before they could do it again
[x] Matty: yeh i think thats how it should work
[x] Matty: recruit an empty camp once a month or something fairly extreme
think this needs to be integrated too, returning camps soon give up when they have to recruit once a reset, should be able to recruit 5 straight away, but limit this to once a month or something to prevent abuse of this. Spoke to russianthai recently and he gave up very quickly due to this
IMO these suggestions tick two major boxes that this game has to tick if it wants to survive:
1) Sorting out the starting equipment so new players can compete (it isn't 2008 any more)
2) Sorting out returning camps so they don't have to wait days before they can start to actually play. Right now they can't even spar in the first reset!