Originally Posted By: tson
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia is pretty fkd.... like I mentioned last time, they staged some bs to strip us of our guns awhile ago, so the people fear the government.

Our two major parties in government appear to have been taken over and are all voting on the same bs laws....digital id/covid passports and all.

We are the most locked down city in the world...Over 260days of hard lock down, no visitors, no shopping, only allowed to leave the house to go to the supermarkets (if its within 5km from your home) and we cant leave our house after 9pm.

There are cops everywhere beating down anyone not wearing a mask or signing into places with QR codes.. If they see us protesting they round us up shoot us with rubber bullets and tear gas.. You have 0 rights to do anything without taking the wax, not even allowed to work in any profession (which is the main reason people are getting it here) concentration camps getting built around the outskirts of the city (2 big ones that I know of) "for the next pandemic, whenever that will be" - Dan Andrews (our state premier) ... And they just banned politicians who are opposed to the mandatory wax from voting against the laws they are passing to keep this in place indefinitely, unless they get the wax that is...

The Sheep in this city are happy about the new "freedoms" we are being allowed this friday:
On Friday 22 October, in metropolitan Melbourne:
Reasons to leave home and curfew no longer in place.
10 people, including dependents, can visit a home each day.
15 people can gather outdoors.
Pubs, clubs and entertainment venues can open to 20 fully vaccinated people indoors and 50 fully vaccinated people outdoors.
Funerals and weddings allow for 20 fully vaccinated people indoors and 50 fully vaccinated outdoors.
Hairdressing and beauty salons to open for up to five fully vaccinated people at a time.

If people cant see this isnt about our health but its only about jabbing and striping our freedoms then I dont even know...

Sorry to hear that. It's nonsensical and have nothing to do with Health or Science. Blim, Drink, Migrant may tell you that you are a conspiracy theorists and we all need the shots, even though there is no stopping transmission and it is not a cure, thus, giving literally zero actual reason to get it, outside of the Democratic Party in America Fear Mongering and obvious payola to scare, scare, scare people. They will tell you only the unvaccinated are getting sick, even though everyone was unvaccinated last year and this year Deaths, sicknesses, hospitalizations are up everywhere, but, that can't be because of unproven shots, that would just make too much sense. Must be those still unvaccinated (makes zero sense, I know)

I've seen what the police are doing out there and have seen that most of them don't agree and are just "following orders" and harassing people for being outside and beating elderly people for being at the park. It's what they wish to implement here.

The Democrats have been actively trying to take away American guns and rights away and the Democrats have been wrapped into thinking those are good ideas, despite, history showing how Governments treat citizens without Guns and all the recorded history of Governments killing and using citizens as Science experiments. This must be legit, even thou it is two years and most deaths are tied to comorbidities.

And no one is holding China accountable or the US and UK entities that helped to fund to make this virus possible. Just fear mongering and laws that make ZERO SENSE. If it was so bad, the homeless population would all be dead. Common sense has been replaced with fear and manipulated Scientific data. Truly, sad time in history.

Wish Matty was here to explain what is happening with the UK and reportedly, those early vaccinated are told they are "High Risk" now for getting it so early...and would like to hear others on how all these countries like to change vaccinated to unvaccinated on reports to skew numbers...also...how the definition of Vaccine keeps changing, along with how you are to be protected, when there is no protection from the shots, and, how shots are tied directly to certain variants and we are suppose to feel protected with outdated shots...

Natural immunity superior.
Peace and love here