THC Alliance Event
This event will seek to showcase the top fighters of the past year, matched up with those that fell short of p4p #1 in years past.
Each active alliance will field a team of 16 Legends
8 Men & 8 Women
Two Fighters each in Men's & Women's Brackets for the following:
1. Legends of 2024 - any rank - Recruit Date Oct 2964 and up
2. All-time Legends, Highest Rank 2-5
3. All-time Legends, Highest Rank 6-10
4. All-time Legends, Highest Rank 11+
One Fight per match with points awarded to the winner of each bracket.
The 8 respective champs will advance to a final bracket (Best of 3 Fights) in which Men's and Women's overall champs will be determined. More points will be awarded to champs (as well as maybe SRs, Blim willing).
Alliances, make your choices and post fighters below, along with camp of fighter to get folks legend tokens.