Round 1 After dodging a jab-cross, Turner lands a kick to the liver of Hank Simmons who steps back and begins to take a knee. Turner rushes forward to capitalize but Hank Simmons stands back up and is met by a strong cross-uppercut that again backs him up. Hank Simmons circles Turner, mixing jabs and leg kicks. "Jidmeister II" is met with a strong kick to the ribs. The fighters circle each other. Turner throws a powerful left hook, but is met with a strong jab from Hank. Turner lands a jab, but it is returned by a sick uppercut from "Eddie Edwards". Turner moves in to press the action, but Hank Simmons lands a heavy back kick. Hank Simmons is staggered by a jab to the chin. Hank Simmons circles Vernon Turner, mixing jabs and leg kicks. Hank lands a solid kick to the inside thigh of Vernon Turner. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Round 2 The fighters circle each other. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Vernon drops to a knee and attempts a takedown from the clinch. Hank sets a guillotine choke but Vernon slips out at the last moment. Vernon is now caught in guard. Hank Simmons attempts a switch from the guard, but a scramble takes place getting both fighters to their feet. Simmons lands a solid kick to the inside thigh of Vernon Turner. Vernon Turner lands a devastating overhand right on Hank Simmons. Vernon Turner blocks a left high kick from Hank Simmons, but is still staggered by it. Hank Simmons follows up with a strong right hook, putting Vernon Turner out cold.
Hank "Eddie Edwards" Simmons wins by KO (Right Hook)