#457220 - 11/17/16 07:09 PM
Re: Answer The Question Of The Person Above You
[Re: ATTBoxer]
Registered: 01/11/12
Posts: 4722
Loc: California
I'm gonna break all my own rules now and go out of turn and not even answer the above question... but only because I think my most embarrassing story is VERY similar to ATT's For our elementary school graduation field trip the entire 6th grade class (so I was 11 maybe just 12) went to Cal Skate a local roller skating rink (or floor or arena? whatever it's called) with an adjoining arcade. I had never skated before in my whole life, but neither had most of the kids there so there was no reason to feel self conscious. There would be much falling and laughing.. So I rented a pair of fruit boots and proceeded to skate alongside my friends in a continuous circle for hours on end, stopping occasionally to play race car arcade games or use the bathroom. I sucked just like everyone else at first, but I steadily improved throughout the day from hugging the wall, to going around a bit occasionally falling over, to being able to maintain my balance fairly consistently and not look like a complete ass. By the end of the day I thought I was really getting the hang of it and I thought I was going pretty fast. It was announced that there were going to be a few games to end the day. The first one was a giant game of "Red Light, Green Light" that the whole school participated in. All that was required of this was straight line speed and the ability to stop which were skills I had mastered. I remember doing very well in this game and feeling pretty confident. Lastly was a "race" and I thought to myself "I'm going fast, I can do a couple laps without falling down now. I'm gonna try" So I wade out to the starting area and slowly start to realize..... not many people are participating in this.... In fact 95% of the students had evacuated the floor and were now leaning over the wall watching those that remained. I then looked around and noticed a few more troubling things... The dozen or so kids that remained were all the cool popular kids. (They had brought their own roller blades from home for GOD SAKE!! BLADES!!! They all had super cool striped roller blades and I had brown rented fruit boots with a rubber stopper) What's more I noticed that the event staff were laying out cones that we were expected to be maneuvering around. This was an entirely new dynamic that I was not in the least prepared for. I had mastered the art of slowly constantly turning left, but sharp turns?? Fuck no. At this point the race was about to begin, and I was suddenly feeling out of my depth. I sized up the situation and came to the only logical conclusion.. Bail.. and so looking downtrodden and sad, staring at my own feet I proceeded to skate back towards one of the openings just before we were about to start. I then did something I hadn't done for a couple hours. I fell down face first with the whole school watching me. I tried to regain my balance and my composure but all the times I had fallen before I had either been close to the wall or one of my friends to help me up. Now dead in the center of the floor I tried to get up and scrambled forward about 10 feet before falling down again. I don't know how far away from the opening I was at this point (In my adult mind it's roughly a mile) but as a kid I decided that I was not going to be able to get up and I decided that the best course of action was to crawl on my hands and rented knee-pads the remaining distance. All this again, with the entire school watching and laughing at me. Anyway... the question was: Everyone's had a first crush. What happened with yours? Did he/she become a friend or did they not even acknowledge your existence?
Edited by The Captain (11/17/16 07:10 PM)
#466337 - 04/10/17 08:56 PM
Re: Answer The Question Of The Person Above You
[Re: ATTBoxer]
Registered: 12/16/13
Posts: 19
Galileo, the true OG of physics. Dude is the reason why Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein are even famous, I personally consider him the godfather of science.
Why? Smart as hell, would shoot the shit over some beers and talk physics and astronomy all day. Plus I want to see the telescope he built.. kinda weird but building stuff fascinates me lol.
Have you had surgery? What kind of surgery was it?
#466786 - 04/26/17 09:40 AM
Re: Answer The Question Of The Person Above You
[Re: DrinkDrankCrunk]
Registered: 02/06/13
Posts: 900
Loc: Colorado
Wasting so many opportunities that were presented to me that if I had taken would change my life for the better.
What is the biggest accomplishment you've had in your adult life?
My name is Joe, I kick people for money, it's a pretty sweet gig.
#490240 - 09/10/18 04:41 PM
Re: Answer The Question Of The Person Above You
[Re: ATTBoxer]
Registered: 05/20/14
Posts: 5708
Thread bumped and is dope, let's see...
How have I changed in the last 10 years for better or worse? That's a big question. Right about 10 years ago I was living in a city filled with industrial waste in the worst ghetto in town with a wife and a 3 year old, poor as shit. Working a tech job from home for peanuts cause that was the great recession, nobody was making money.
The city was an industrial wasteland, as it remains to this day. National Geographic did a show about how terrible the water is from all the chemical dumping. I knew more people with cancer than without and still do. I have seen more babies with birth defects than I can count on two hands. I knew I would get cancer if I lived past 45 and I still know this. I knew wife would get cancer one day. One day my son would get cancer. It was stupid to have a child anyway, we were lucky he looked normal. My grandfather was a lion of a man who lied about his age so he could kick nazi ass in WW2 at 16, a boxing and wrestling champion who would back down from nothing, who walked around with a broken hand for a month because he did not want to go to the doctor and the poison water cancer broke him into a sobbing child at the end. So it goes.
The only escape came at $5 a hit. Everyone I knew were junkies, people with great needs, small dreams, and no hope to achieve them. This was my home. I was one of them. Prepared to haze away in my little pattern until I died, a shitty father and a shitty person leaving no mark on the world and just trying to dull the ache of living long enough to die without making too much of a fuss. One night about that time we woke up in the wee hours of the morning to a loud bump downstairs.
I went down to check it out and found the front door hanging open. A dude lumbered down the dark hallway toward me. A big dude who I did not know. I talked with him a bit, he acted confused, said he thought it was his uncles house. I realized he had broken in, saw he had been rooting through the living room for valuables. Based on my experience around junkies I concluded this guy is most likely on a big dose of xanex, approximately 15 bars. But he was standing and not nodding off, he could still fight if he wanted to and this dude outweighed me by 100 lbs easy. There was a wooden railing on the staircase that I could pop out about that was about the size and weight of a baseball bat. I inched my way toward it, hoping my 3 year old would not wake up and blunder into this interaction. I would probably still lose a fight but it would buy time. I was keeping out of arms reach, if he got ahold of me it was all over. Had my hand on the railings but could not seem to find the loose one as I talked. Kept him focused on me, kept eye contact so he wouldn't notice the other people in the house, so they wouldn't notice him. Eventually my wife appeared at the top of the stairs and asked if we could call anyone for him, and I think he decided he could not get through me in time to stop her call, and big dude asked for a blanket so he could go sleep it off. We gave him a blanket, sighed with relief as the front door close but we found the lock broken.
Big dude went next door and kicked in the door of the gas station there. We called the police. Big dude left about 60 seconds before they got there with the blanket tied around his neck like a superman cape. The police arrived, we told them which way he went and that he had a damn green blanket tied around him like a superman cape. They caught him. We went to court, he took a plea deal for drug treatment, and I got 10 bucks for appearing as a witness.
But that seemed to change me a bit. We got lucky. It is not a good feeling, the feeling you couldn't protect your family in a situation if things turned violent. You watch your door locks more closely from then on, you investigate sounds more. I had watched a lot of boxing and wrestling before that, but that is what got me to look into MMA. What works in unarmed combat? What works in armed? What hope does a skinny guy like me have? We got a gun, I studied and prepared to not be in that situation again. I watched UFC 1 and fell in love with the sport.
From then on things turned around a bit. In a way it was a wakeup call. Noone is going to do shit for you. Noone is going to protect you. Through most of your life you can rely on noone but yourself, so you had better be sure of who you are. Of who you are going to be. You don't have to give up. If you are determined enough you can do god damn anything. Studied, got a better job. Now I have moved out of the poison city and am making more money. Now I am always looking for what I can improve about myself, about the world around me. I have a long way to go, but now I am motivated to try and get there, to no longer be a victim of my surroundings and myself.
So....on a lighter note, who is your favorite mmarmy fighter, your own or someone elses and why?
#495764 - 01/24/19 09:02 PM
Re: Answer The Question Of The Person Above You
[Re: ATTBoxer]
Registered: 01/11/12
Posts: 4722
Loc: California
Whats a bad decision you made that you would go back on if you had the chance?I quit a job I hated went to another job I had lined up. I don't regret quitting my shitty job, but the new position I had lined up was not official, and they were going to pay me under the table. I was ASSURED that I was in like Flynn for a 40-hour a week job. My best friend (UngratefulDead for those that know) worked there at the time, so I was feeling good about it. Yeah... Turns out the lady that ran the place was a nasty old bitch that lied to us both and told me not to come back after working there for 4 days after my last day at the old job. I became Jobless, depressed, and poor and had to move back in with my folks and completely start my life over. Although... I did win MMARMY COACH OF THE YEAR that year I was pathetic and unempolyed so there's that. Every time I feel like I'm doing poorly at this game, I just relax and think about how I was once very good at it, but my life overall was not as good and suddenly I'm content with sucking a bit at MMArmy. Things are good now. I got gas in the tank, money in the bank, and I work doing something that I enjoy. I learned though... Don't ever accept a salaried position or an under the table position. You will either be a slave, or have no assurance that you'll be able to pay your next set of bills. So I don't actually know if I would undo any of it because I'm happy with where I'm at now, and that's all part of my journey, but I certainly learned my lesson. Addendum: Oh yeah.. I was gonna get back at that whore that let me go unemployed but then a couple months later she went out of business, and I later found out she died of some crazy old-timey disease that people don't get anymore. I don't recall exactly but it was like Polio or Typhoid Fever or some shit you can get in Oregon Trail. Old Bitch Died of Dysentary. What's in your fridge right now?
Edited by The Captain (01/24/19 09:27 PM)
#505045 - 08/28/20 11:20 AM
Re: Answer The Question Of The Person Above You
[Re: Picograms95]
Registered: 02/06/13
Posts: 900
Loc: Colorado
Pride Final Conflict 2005. Fedor vs Cro Cop
Do you feel the Great Filter is ahead of us or behind us?
My name is Joe, I kick people for money, it's a pretty sweet gig.
#509174 - 03/04/21 02:48 PM
Re: Answer The Question Of The Person Above You
[Re: The Captain]
Registered: 02/13/09
Posts: 9581
Loc: DBA compound
#510091 - 04/22/21 11:52 AM
Re: Answer The Question Of The Person Above You
[Re: The Captain]
Registered: 07/24/17
Posts: 153
Loc: USA
Appalachian country music like Tyler Childers and Colter Wall. Question answered.
Team GTFOH-Est. 2017 Team Tokugawa Dojo-Est. 2008 If we all move forward together, success takes care of itself.
#510099 - 04/23/21 08:37 AM
Re: Answer The Question Of The Person Above You
[Re: Migrantworkers]
Registered: 07/24/17
Posts: 153
Loc: USA
Is Elon Musk a forward thinker in his pursuit for understanding the eternal human question of "why", or will this open a pandoras box of interstellar species that would use us like cattle for food?
Team GTFOH-Est. 2017 Team Tokugawa Dojo-Est. 2008 If we all move forward together, success takes care of itself.