Game A: Camp Camp Roulette
The ultimate game of chance. Put your camp on the line vs my camp or any coach who is willing to accept the challenge. Perhaps you have to sweeten the deal to get someone to accept.
Your top 30 male fighters. (If you have more then 30 #1's then all your #1's is your pool of fighters) If one camp has 37 #1's and the other 34 #1's, the camp with 34 will use fighters 1,2 and 3 to fill the remaining spots. But for the generator purposes they would be 35, 36, 37. Once a number has been called if called again it will be re rolled.
A random # generator will be used to determine the fights. If the # 1 is called then each fighter who is the first fighter on the list will be up for the fight and so forth. First to 11 wins is the winner.
Here's the catch. Fights will happen at the heavier fighters WC
* If you are 1 WC above your opponent you have to give them the primary style advantage.
* If you are 2 WC above your opponent they get to chose your primary style.
* If you are 3 or more WC above your opponent they chose your primary and secondary style.
Game B: MMA Madness
Cost to play: 5 Legend fight tokens
Your top 30 fighters. (If you have more then 30 #1's then all your #1's) Are chosen in random # generator to fight these 5 HW MMA fighters(Subject to change) at HW. My fighters will go MMA/MMA. If you can beat all 5(may be reduced to 3) then you win! Heart FC Fighter Slots
Max Equipment
14,000,000 camp cash