Round 1 Rob Long throws a cross that easily dodged by Russell. Rob Long is staggered by a jab to the chin. Rob Long throws a wild punch, putting him off balance. A few well timed strikes from Will puts Rob Long on the mat giving his back up. Russell tries to set in a rear naked choke, but can't quite finish it. Rob Long starts to wiggle out of back control, Will lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Russell circles Rob Long, mixing jabs and leg kicks. Will fakes a shot and lunges forward pressing "Nothing" to a corner. "Nothing" swims for underhooks but is taken down in the process. Round 1 is over.
Round 2 Rob Long circles Russell, mixing jabs with body shots. Long stuffs a shot from Russell and hits him with a hard hook to the temple and pushes him to take his guard. Rob Long drops some good punches while being caught in the guard. Long pushes down Will Russells leg, allowing him to pass guard into half guard. "Nothing" is able to slip into mount from the half guard. Russell gives his back up trying to escape the mount. Russell starts to wiggle out of back control, Rob Long lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Rob circles Will, mixing jabs with body shots. Rob stuffs a shot from Will and lands some powerful outside hammerfists, eventually taking side mount. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Will throws a cross that easily dodged by Long. Long connects with a series of punches forcing Will Russell into a clinch. Will Russell lands a powerful uppercut in the clinch. Will Russell places a few punches to the ribs while tied up. Russell escapes the clinch and creates some distance. "Nothing" is on the receiving end of a good punching combination from Will Russell. "Nothing" eats a jab,jab, then a hook from Will. Will stuff a shot from Rob and lands several shots to the body. Rob attempts to pull guard but Will pushes his way to half guard. The bell signals the end of round 3.