
Chits Crew Roster

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Active Roster
Ubiratan "Hackman was Murdered" Carvalho226lbs#84 (36-21)
Andres "Fighting for Money" Juarez214lbs#194 (29-20)
Frank "Blue Falcon" Elliott273lbs#342 (19-14)
"And I Dont Mean" Dallas Maxwell270lbs#370 (14-10)
Mahja "Sand Flea" Bousaid163lbs#431 (7-3)
Dylan "The Shocker" Wood234lbs#437 (29-23)
Caleb Lawrence270lbs#571 (23-19)
Jurg Ignatyev202lbs#731 (3-2)
Lief "DBA" Fulton162lbs#909 (24-19)
Daniel "Broken Glass" Chen154lbs#1077 (28-25)
Jabir Baraghani222lbs#1411 (0-1)
Enrique "Waffle Stomper" Sosa219lbs#1741 (14-14)
Sergio Mereu278lbs#1937 (1-5)
Rizwan "Mmarmy Police" Amirmoez207lbs#2007 (3-7)
Awadi "S F B" Al Reshedi210lbs#0 (0-0)
Hamza "W B" Al Dosary179lbs#0 (0-0)
Mahbub "Camel Toe" Al Qahtani196lbs#0 (0-0)
Rizwan Albaf197lbs#0 (0-0)
Talal "Pirates DBA" Nagi230lbs#0 (0-0)
Ales "J s B" Al Reshedi205lbs#0 (0-0)
Barney "I love u u love me" Foster214lbs#0 (0-0)
Ahuv Kaufman178lbs#0 (0-0)
Adelmo Gallegos209lbs#0 (0-0)
Moiz "P j a c" Hakim178lbs#0 (0-0)
Ahmad Muhammad213lbs#0 (0-0)
Roshan "J B S" Ajam174lbs#0 (0-0)
Ahmed Al Yami245lbs#0 (0-0)
Poncho "Mariposa" Santiago 273lbs#1 (50-28)
Rip "Stained" Brown 187lbs#1 (37-20)
Rip Lange 277lbs#1 (48-20)
Omari Hill 186lbs#1 (57-12)
Branden "Less is" Moreno 163lbs#1 (59-22)
Al "DBA" Eilers 233lbs#1 (60-23)
Brecken "D B Freakin A" Rowly 208lbs#1 (49-19)
Jalali "The Velvet Glove" Mbene 279lbs#1 (53-23)
Ricardeau "Timbits" Fournier 156lbs#2 (62-23)
Andwele "Buffalo Chip" Polino 166lbs#2 (96-38)
"Migrantwrkr Assassin" Barry Handspiker 233lbs#3 (37-13)
Tad Mason 275lbs#3 (49-31)
Joe "Slippery" Fish 212lbs#4 (40-25)
Cameron "Super Scooper" Cooper 279lbs#5 (26-19)
Nelson "OPP" Cooper 230lbs#5 (53-28)
Lolo "Exxon" Valdez 195lbs#5 (47-33)
Dalton "D B Freakin A Gangwa" Carter 179lbs#5 (26-12)
Enzi Mfutakamba 190lbs#5 (24-10)
Chuck "SadBoy Maybe Trainer" Griffith 273lbs#6 (44-35)
Connor "DBA Speed" Walker 205lbs#7 (42-27)
"Laffy" Taffy Bowens 162lbs#7 (25-12)
Derrell "Chigger" Reed 169lbs#8 (57-36)
Abe Erickson 148lbs#8 (34-20)
Beau "Winkle" Moore 156lbs#8 (43-31)
Bernie "All in a" Rowe 189lbs#8 (29-20)
Drake "Mallard" Thomas 273lbs#9 (34-21)
Eric "Just Eric" Tuchscherer 185lbs#9 (48-34)
Gilbert "Your Mom" Reese 178lbs#10 (30-20)
"And I Dont Mean" Dallas Tuchscherer 217lbs#10 (38-26)
Lief Cox 171lbs#10 (22-14)
Marcus Watkins 174lbs#10 (31-19)
Pedr " Suck it " Bowen 198lbs#10 (25-10)
Dick "Dingle" Berry 271lbs#11 (46-34)
Adam "Double Decker" Becker 171lbs#12 (38-24)
Azizi Malecela 178lbs#12 (43-36)
Kwasi "Temper Pedic Hands" Iddi 216lbs#13 (33-25)
Jesus "Plojo" Martinez 227lbs#14 (51-36)
Adam "Heart Attack" Mack 279lbs#14 (38-30)
Will "Stove Pipe" Morgan 280lbs#15 (52-39)
Minori "Mini Moe" Marusa 270lbs#15 (31-12)
Anselmo "El Toro Mesa" Leonado 192lbs#15 (34-26)
Steve "Glory Panties o pain" Hughes 279lbs#16 (40-36)
Lex Benson 205lbs#16 (26-9)
Floyd " Kiss my DBAss" Evans 169lbs#16 (28-20)
Rusty Rossborough 268lbs#18 (26-18)
Derrell "its De rrell" Taylor 208lbs#19 (45-31)
Red "River Blue" Adkins 159lbs#19 (14-3)
John "The Prezz" Adams 224lbs#19 (28-14)
Cliff "Ring Ur" Bell 200lbs#20 (31-17)
Efren "Pulpo" Herreria 203lbs#20 (39-29)
Karl Duncan 207lbs#20 (27-21)
Matthew "Tell Ya Tomorrow" Garrow 204lbs#21 (25-10)
Earl "GSPs" Leclerc 172lbs#23 (27-14)
Ted Wiltsie 206lbs#24 (30-17)
Dave "Dark Brother Askren" Lange 206lbs#25 (37-18)
Gregory Adams 252lbs#25 (35-30)
Mike Russell 159lbs#26 (34-24)
Steve "Billy" McGee 199lbs#26 (25-23)
"Bitchie" Richie Jacobs 228lbs#27 (29-23)
Brock "Ron" Howard 198lbs#28 (57-35)
Arminio "Acid" Almeida 217lbs#28 (31-19)
Ron Ross 277lbs#29 (41-28)
Brock "The Jock" Bennett 230lbs#31 (32-15)
Cassidy "Chasity" Stewart 175lbs#31 (31-22)
Clarence Goodman 135lbs#31 (54-40)
Paul Wilson 170lbs#32 (31-17)
Brody "Animal Mother" Collins 224lbs#33 (53-37)
Minoru "Tofooti" Tani 192lbs#33 (23-19)
Sadwm Cardiff 220lbs#33 (29-16)
Dustin "Day Trader" Collins 229lbs#34 (33-23)
Motogusinile Norgate 184lbs#34 (19-6)
Ray "Private" Powell 200lbs#35 (36-28)
Vitor "Frito" Brito 220lbs#35 (19-16)
Edwin "LiL DBA" Bryant 204lbs#36 (34-21)
Duke Popham 205lbs#36 (18-11)
Oliver "Hungry" Fox 164lbs#36 (26-22)
Jackson "Jivest Turkey" Williams 178lbs#37 (26-13)
Bert Collins 183lbs#38 (24-15)
Tosya "Like a salad" Timiryazev 155lbs#38 (22-15)
Roberto "Fedors Dirty Slut" Vazquez 213lbs#38 (55-47)
Rickson Carvalho 236lbs#39 (24-17)
Branden Conner 232lbs#40 (30-25)
Branden "Boogey" Edwards 209lbs#41 (26-14)
Jina "Not Jyna" Mbuna 220lbs#41 (37-32)
Anyabwile "Soop" Lechaptois 209lbs#43 (21-21)
Dillon Evans 210lbs#44 (27-11)
Jesse "Turn Turn" Turner 190lbs#44 (43-43)
Garret "Diversticulitus " Colon 177lbs#47 (30-14)
Damacio Pulido 148lbs#47 (15-6)
Devon Price 197lbs#48 (11-3)
Salvador Huerta 279lbs#49 (34-13)
Ramon "The Horse" Cox 188lbs#49 (51-39)
Owen "Super Dooper Scooper" Cooper 217lbs#52 (38-25)
Berto "Gregarious" Garcia 206lbs#54 (31-25)
John "I wont" Sherk 208lbs#54 (30-27)
Hector Lara 162lbs#54 (27-19)
"Super" Dave Rodgers 269lbs#55 (45-38)
Bob "Weakling" Collins 165lbs#55 (28-19)
Panchito "Ogopogo" Jimenez 211lbs#56 (23-9)
Derrell Townsend 211lbs#56 (11-2)
Clarence Baldwin 152lbs#57 (22-20)
Dave "Chalupa" Jones 267lbs#58 (45-23)
Morgan King 148lbs#58 (24-19)
Abloec "Chopsy" Morgan 156lbs#58 (20-10)
Ndweleifwa Sumar 190lbs#58 (33-31)
Evan Beavin 276lbs#58 (29-25)
Manny Lewis 217lbs#59 (24-15)
Brian "Coleslaw" Coleman 190lbs#59 (28-8)
Dennis Tuchscherer 213lbs#60 (17-17)
Colt Ball 214lbs#60 (19-14)
Steve "Hayseed" Barnes 166lbs#60 (36-25)
Ren "The Castrator" Jernigan 159lbs#62 (25-19)
Buck "The Judge" Reinhold 202lbs#63 (33-13)
Ronnie "Mango" Morgan 176lbs#63 (26-27)
Hank "DBA " Popham 205lbs#65 (41-25)
Earl Hughes 225lbs#65 (39-17)
Maurice "Help Me Clean My" Colon 207lbs#66 (19-10)
"Mean" Jean Hoffman 156lbs#66 (29-29)
Evan "or Odd" Cooper 177lbs#71 (41-30)
Aitor Castillo 225lbs#71 (15-8)
Clark "He said" Wood 184lbs#72 (60-34)
Nelson "Machine Gunn" Kelly 198lbs#72 (58-42)
Jordan "Hang Ten" Wiuff 158lbs#72 (31-24)
"Larrys Brother" Lucas Byrd 192lbs#72 (22-16)
Bo "Flex" Rogers 196lbs#74 (30-18)
Dylan " DBA" Jacobs 206lbs#74 (40-28)
Matthew "Samual" Adams 178lbs#75 (26-16)
Sidney McKinney 192lbs#75 (17-10)
Will "I live in" Watts 197lbs#76 (20-12)
Julio "Coffee Grounds" Valdez 175lbs#81 (43-29)
Parker Elkins 176lbs#81 (27-19)
Sony "I will pay for a wal" Talamantes 189lbs#82 (54-52)
Chad "Hyperactivity " Parker 165lbs#84 (49-31)
Gil Powell 260lbs#85 (52-48)
Aberthol Lewis 209lbs#85 (34-32)
Cru Foster 200lbs#88 (42-26)
Jesse "Givn You thu " Byrd 216lbs#88 (23-18)
Lou Condit 167lbs#90 (22-24)
Lawerence Phillips 189lbs#92 (32-24)
"King Toad" Chad Francis 255lbs#92 (42-35)
Kirk Hansen 160lbs#93 (20-14)
Christian "SeaBass" Hayes 262lbs#94 (50-30)
Sal "Mariscino" Cherry 180lbs#95 (46-36)
Devin Green 174lbs#95 (13-11)
JT Garrow 180lbs#95 (16-11)
Renato "Farm Truck" Carvalho 175lbs#96 (38-32)
Rube "ReD" Flowers 199lbs#97 (23-16)
Dan Bryant 279lbs#98 (12-4)
Frank King 187lbs#98 (32-23)
Nerthach Watts 179lbs#98 (20-19)
Lavar Severn 240lbs#99 (26-17)
Dallas "Too Lite" Bell 161lbs#100 (32-24)
Del Phillips 197lbs#100 (27-28)
Evandro "Like a Little Girl" Costa 198lbs#104 (39-31)
Wesley Scott 166lbs#104 (15-10)
Drake "ULA" Rogers 195lbs#107 (33-26)
Christopher Sherk 273lbs#107 (16-11)
Aelhaeran "pe pe" Bliven 200lbs#108 (13-5)
Milo Rupertsson 275lbs#109 (21-14)
Benjamin Stevenson 166lbs#109 (11-4)
Wadu Caddell 214lbs#111 (10-10)
Marco "The Ice Informant" Sanchez 272lbs#111 (47-53)
Gabe "Mister" Thomas 272lbs#112 (37-37)
Pete Duffield 187lbs#112 (10-5)
"Action" Jackson Adams 172lbs#113 (37-24)
Gavin Peters 250lbs#114 (28-23)
Rube Robinson 168lbs#117 (19-14)
Jamie "Your Daddy" Green 179lbs#118 (50-33)
Miguel Oticica 205lbs#118 (18-10)
Lincoln "Top Hat" Hayes 164lbs#120 (40-29)
Butch McConomy 150lbs#123 (32-28)
Jack "Aint No " St-Pierre 271lbs#124 (29-18)
Shah "Freaky " Fikri 234lbs#124 (28-26)
Dustin McDonald 181lbs#125 (19-15)
Walter "Schmalter" Foster 264lbs#129 (46-22)
Phil "Tater Tot" Taylor 190lbs#129 (28-23)
Juro "Fart Smeller" Takemago 210lbs#131 (20-16)
Mark "Chigger 2" Reed 185lbs#133 (17-10)
Patrick McKinney 169lbs#134 (40-42)
Dan May 164lbs#134 (14-10)
Keenan Carr 149lbs#136 (14-8)
Clive "I want to eat you" Kelly 180lbs#139 (34-25)
Fernando Jimenez 174lbs#139 (26-23)
Arsenio Rivas 159lbs#139 (26-25)
Javi "Milk" Ortiz 262lbs#141 (34-34)
Jose "el Martillo" Ortiz 182lbs#147 (39-29)
Jason "Chubby Hunter" Ivey 192lbs#153 (20-17)
Vychan Trow 203lbs#153 (13-7)
Palo Ortiz 280lbs#154 (25-15)
Ted Wolfe 154lbs#154 (12-9)
Kirk "Steve" Martin 173lbs#156 (19-16)
Edryd Blevins 270lbs#157 (28-25)
Eurwyn "Stained" Howell 186lbs#159 (18-14)
Lincoln Henwood 259lbs#165 (27-26)
Clarence "ma mom mommy" Martin 162lbs#166 (11-13)
Rodolfo Estrada 154lbs#166 (20-24)
Muhammad Atcha 149lbs#169 (12-11)
Lavar Ramsey 149lbs#170 (39-28)
Bernie Popham 229lbs#176 (31-19)
Juan Rivas 163lbs#176 (11-12)
Tra Jones 208lbs#182 (26-20)
Keira "DBA" Herman 158lbs#185 (38-43)
Ivano " inski" Maximov 195lbs#189 (35-26)
Claude Reese 216lbs#191 (15-13)
Jared Whitehead 189lbs#191 (16-11)
Thiago "Don" Peixoto 217lbs#193 (15-9)
Lloyd "I Have A Chance" Glover 180lbs#197 (10-7)
Virgil Junious 228lbs#198 (8-7)
Shane "Night Train" Nelson 260lbs#199 (30-25)
Mpagi "Maggpie" Cohen 175lbs#199 (29-22)
Chosto "Rica" Ramirez 210lbs#205 (28-16)
Tyler "DBA" Stewart 185lbs#205 (26-19)
Brody Jones 211lbs#206 (38-29)
Dylan Spencer 176lbs#207 (37-30)
Marcelo "DBA" Rodriguez 231lbs#208 (13-7)
Bob McKinney 187lbs#208 (7-4)
Lucas "Mustache" Condit 189lbs#210 (23-22)
Alexander "Teste" Verde 196lbs#211 (12-11)
Red Sanders 149lbs#216 (10-11)
Atsushi Koshin 201lbs#217 (33-24)
Kevin "wrestling conditioni" Hammond 225lbs#217 (14-13)
Frye "Sauce" Mitchell 205lbs#218 (24-10)
Luzige "Mordax" Luberenga 274lbs#218 (28-35)
Yoshikazu Inukai 209lbs#223 (14-14)
Cole Parker 270lbs#224 (18-11)
Tank "Submission" Francois 280lbs#224 (8-4)
Richard "My Name is Dick" Fowler 199lbs#225 (10-8)
Jamyron "Pantiesof Shame" Adams 211lbs#226 (25-29)
Farrell Watkins 182lbs#226 (15-11)
Flynn " Black and" White 232lbs#227 (30-22)
Keith Yorke 180lbs#229 (19-19)
Darren Wellen 232lbs#232 (27-21)
Jerry Thompson 172lbs#232 (6-7)
Ray "DBA" Lange 197lbs#236 (16-9)
"Big" Al Bowman 200lbs#236 (16-11)
Berto "I have to" Gomez 277lbs#237 (35-24)
Richard "they call me Dick" Hamilton 265lbs#239 (17-24)
Coni "Bear" Ruiz 269lbs#241 (24-21)
Kevin "DBA Rocks U" Lee 260lbs#246 (40-32)
Branden Sims 276lbs#248 (13-11)
Jon "Twinkel Toes" Spencer 216lbs#250 (27-13)
Afagdu "Do what" Perkins 278lbs#253 (13-8)
Alan Curtis 220lbs#253 (11-10)
Fanana "PHO PHANA" Simbachawene 237lbs#254 (8-13)
Lalo "DBA" Ramos 195lbs#258 (29-23)
Lloyd "Nightcrawler" Wagner 250lbs#260 (14-14)
Lex "I luv corn chex" Lee 216lbs#263 (10-6)
Cartier "Mandingo" Wade 271lbs#263 (38-30)
Mac Foster 177lbs#265 (21-10)
Guto Argao 173lbs#267 (25-20)
Ely "EL Cona" Cunha 210lbs#267 (20-19)
Bert "The Squirt" Hayes 185lbs#272 (20-12)
Benny Bailey 183lbs#273 (11-10)
Heath Bailey 234lbs#279 (33-29)
Abe Barrett 201lbs#284 (7-7)
Hector "The Wrecker" Becker 190lbs#288 (34-17)
Dustin "Too Bookoo" Long 188lbs#297 (16-21)
Skip "wrest cond brawl" Sauer 152lbs#297 (15-15)
Renzo "fifty fifty maybe" Bedemar 269lbs#298 (38-38)
Walt "Panties of shame" Cooper 252lbs#302 (10-13)
Daniel Delassandis 218lbs#302 (9-8)
Cael Adams 188lbs#304 (9-9)
Lleufer "Flower Power" Pritchard 224lbs#304 (8-6)
Fernando Delgado 276lbs#310 (19-14)
Teddy "Never Tested Positiv" Michaud 174lbs#311 (26-18)
Erik Hart 181lbs#313 (17-11)
JT Peterson 219lbs#314 (8-8)
Dino "B" Albright 198lbs#318 (13-11)
Jacob Yorke 277lbs#322 (21-22)
Peter "Badda bing" Cherry 218lbs#324 (13-8)
Vergil "I Am not Going" Green 280lbs#326 (22-18)
Taffy Cadwallader 193lbs#327 (8-6)
Charlotte "Five Thousand" Miles 144lbs#328 (11-11)
Gregory Hodges 219lbs#329 (19-19)
Ted "little Sack " Ball 171lbs#332 (18-19)
Amaziah "sam judo" Saya 268lbs#336 (10-12)
Mika Solomon 259lbs#338 (20-23)
Berwin Davies 277lbs#338 (5-7)
Palmer Edwards 209lbs#339 (12-7)
Masomakali "stren cond" Kidude 228lbs#340 (3-2)
Kennedy Ross 255lbs#341 (4-2)
Ghubari Shao 275lbs#342 (8-11)
Cristoforo Iniesta 191lbs#343 (7-7)
Kurt "Red Chest Hair" Rowly 274lbs#344 (15-9)
Gabriel "The General" Lee 163lbs#345 (27-15)
Dallas Cummings 268lbs#347 (7-7)
Russ Hart 188lbs#349 (27-25)
Marco Flores 166lbs#350 (10-5)
Marvin "He who sells" Sanders 226lbs#351 (24-26)
Miguel Colon 165lbs#352 (14-16)
Curt Adams 174lbs#356 (31-19)
Gan Yates 250lbs#356 (20-21)
Gil Pearson 209lbs#359 (21-21)
Hugh "How you" Jodoin 206lbs#362 (50-46)
Javito Lopez 197lbs#362 (24-21)
Fred Lynch 279lbs#362 (12-8)
Tim "Chicken" Curry 191lbs#364 (7-10)
Simon Bryant 147lbs#366 (11-6)
Cassidy "Blue" Green 203lbs#367 (17-10)
Brahma "Bull Testicals" Batabaire 161lbs#373 (7-11)
Evan Batch 273lbs#375 (9-9)
Cameron Ward 185lbs#377 (15-13)
Aurelio "Wres bala" Bellincioni 165lbs#380 (7-10)
Tim Scott 208lbs#384 (16-16)
Lex "the Total Package" Martin 174lbs#385 (36-31)
Jake Graves 153lbs#391 (15-13)
Ol Evans 214lbs#393 (7-8)
Bart "Buzz Kill" Brown 173lbs#398 (12-4)
Troy Kelly 277lbs#403 (25-20)
Ol Belling 209lbs#404 (4-5)
Len Murphy 174lbs#406 (36-25)
Palmer Hines 174lbs#406 (13-10)
Nelson "2old2be" Young 182lbs#415 (2-5)
Logan Goodridge 144lbs#420 (13-10)
Elvis Bryant 172lbs#422 (19-15)
Kid "wrest brawl bala" Hill 275lbs#426 (11-12)
Pablito "Picasso of Pain" Gonzales 174lbs#432 (15-18)
Curt Ingram 259lbs#435 (23-23)
Keith "DB freakin A" Cohen 195lbs#436 (5-7)
Fortunato Cortez 195lbs#441 (13-15)
Sasha "Mufasuh" Cullum 265lbs#449 (12-7)
Mackenzie Mccoy 280lbs#451 (2-3)
Rusty "Nail" MacNeil 157lbs#455 (4-7)
Olwydd Cadwallader 275lbs#460 (3-2)
Ayden "Not fat enough" Guerrero 266lbs#461 (1-0)
Sam Lindsey 164lbs#476 (5-8)
Ethan "Allen Montel" Williams 190lbs#484 (16-12)
Dalton Garrow 247lbs#484 (14-15)
Gregor Sheehy 209lbs#494 (9-11)
Rodri Martinez 198lbs#496 (7-6)
Chen Ngg 192lbs#497 (8-8)
Max Carpenter 151lbs#500 (7-5)
Benjamin Hayden 171lbs#504 (25-22)
Bryan Sanders 154lbs#504 (10-6)
Bruce Simmons 211lbs#504 (6-7)
Culhwch Trow 193lbs#508 (2-3)
Pete Bowen 267lbs#508 (5-5)
Checho "and the Man" Diaz 167lbs#514 (15-14)
"They Call Me" Karol Kowalczyk 270lbs#521 (16-13)
Duke Browne 136lbs#522 (5-6)
Lolo Nunez 183lbs#527 (9-4)
Leo "greco" Johnson 166lbs#533 (2-3)
Gil "white panties of sha" Collins 257lbs#536 (33-28)
Robert Goodwin 215lbs#537 (6-4)
Alan Lynch 177lbs#542 (4-1)
Winn Sayer 218lbs#544 (4-4)
Fabricio Faoro 237lbs#546 (8-9)
Ajali Lissu 173lbs#546 (5-9)
Dale "Doc" Martin 176lbs#547 (25-13)
Morgan Simmons 204lbs#547 (21-18)
Shelton "Bob" Ross 208lbs#547 (3-6)
Elimu "rights" Mohammed 198lbs#547 (9-12)
Connor Bonello 160lbs#549 (2-3)
Kyle "Kelly" Kelly 213lbs#555 (16-10)
Cal Weaver 208lbs#555 (6-6)
Buff Coleman 210lbs#557 (8-10)
Merille "Wres cond" Beyene 188lbs#559 (5-7)
Phil "DBAs" Twitty 205lbs#561 (24-14)
Alex "Pitter" Patterson 186lbs#573 (16-11)
Cillian Fanning 265lbs#574 (8-13)
Hikaru Kihara 166lbs#575 (39-33)
Mills Combs 218lbs#580 (3-1)
Akihiko "KO" Karamorita 172lbs#583 (32-31)
Cadfael Treharne 272lbs#584 (3-2)
Sergio Ruas 222lbs#585 (8-6)
Andrew Palmer 146lbs#587 (1-0)
Earl "Ka" Powell 181lbs#588 (14-10)
Masopakyindi "brawl stren 4 money " Nyangwine 277lbs#589 (3-3)
Kohaku "Kick" Kunikida 168lbs#590 (20-17)
Guy Snyder 229lbs#590 (7-7)
"T R A I N E R" Earl Dagley 190lbs#590 (8-10)
Rip "Panties of shame" Macaulay 277lbs#592 (17-20)
Matthew "fort sambo" Baldwin 179lbs#595 (3-6)
Greg "Funny Lookin" Phillips 279lbs#601 (12-12)
Brent Bowen 229lbs#604 (6-8)
Chico Antonelli 210lbs#605 (10-7)
Sidney "Australia" Campbell 187lbs#607 (17-12)
Alfredo "wrest cond brawl" Carvalho 165lbs#607 (5-5)
Gutter Newman 210lbs#608 (20-23)
Henrique Sobral 166lbs#611 (3-5)
Angosisye Sokoine 205lbs#618 (1-3)
Iddig Apted 199lbs#618 (5-5)
Tom McCarthy 164lbs#621 (11-14)
Rhydwyn Arthur 262lbs#625 (3-2)
Edwin Greene 146lbs#632 (17-19)
"T R A I N E R" Noah Clark 152lbs#637 (7-8)
AJ Ryan 222lbs#638 (22-20)
Andres Molina 170lbs#638 (7-9)
Atlas Horton 187lbs#640 (4-5)
Duke Barnett 223lbs#640 (4-8)
Troy Jones 178lbs#643 (10-5)
Damian "Duck fan" Adams 177lbs#645 (12-10)
Erik "The Red" Sherk 185lbs#653 (5-5)
Chael Mitchell 258lbs#658 (1-2)
Adli Migiro 279lbs#658 (11-13)
Ellis Buell 217lbs#660 (4-5)
Renzo Benecio 184lbs#661 (6-7)
Austin "SUBme KOme im EZ" Parker 194lbs#664 (33-35)
Peter Olanrewaju 217lbs#669 (1-5)
Shelton "My Little DbA Pony" Williams 199lbs#677 (26-22)
Lou Reed 268lbs#677 (11-7)
Andy Larson 128lbs#677 (15-16)
"Grace" Jones Hall 277lbs#689 (1-2)
Manabu Requiao 209lbs#690 (8-6)
Baker "Insane" Crane 234lbs#690 (3-6)
Trip Palmer 207lbs#691 (12-11)
Ed Hampton 172lbs#692 (5-5)
Brecon Bliven 276lbs#701 (2-3)
Branden "Two in a" Bush 192lbs#702 (1-4)
Christopher Fowler 200lbs#706 (6-4)
Simon Gray 137lbs#707 (5-7)
Meilyr Wynne 200lbs#707 (5-8)
Axl Hopkins 141lbs#709 (2-2)
Andrew "Panties of shame" Jenkins 176lbs#715 (24-26)
Mlamuleli Cibane 204lbs#716 (5-5)
Del Paul 127lbs#718 (3-6)
Nick Pereyra 259lbs#719 (5-5)
Lima "Bean Soup" Arona 143lbs#719 (1-2)
"The Spanish Fly" Roberto Marco 267lbs#721 (2-3)
Hack Johnston 154lbs#733 (3-5)
Colt Shelnut 192lbs#736 (2-4)
Hector Torres 228lbs#739 (10-14)
Patrick Ross 163lbs#740 (47-38)
Edwin "Migrants 4000th loss" Rogers 221lbs#751 (16-12)
Milo "Takin u 2 Fred" Myers 221lbs#753 (13-11)
Jake Palmer 170lbs#767 (1-1)
Rob Steele 176lbs#774 (5-4)
Tiago Ortega 222lbs#775 (2-2)
Vernon Schall 263lbs#776 (4-5)
Kit "Kat" Taylor 270lbs#777 (21-17)
BJ Hughes 277lbs#780 (3-3)
Eddie Griffith 168lbs#782 (5-3)
Riggs Richards 171lbs#785 (3-3)
Iddawg Worthing 171lbs#794 (4-4)
Quico "Vasaline" Vasquez 184lbs#796 (17-18)
"T R A I N E R" Wes Colon 174lbs#800 (8-10)
Roger Campbell 213lbs#800 (1-3)
Kevin Bryant 254lbs#802 (4-2)
Mark Keller 162lbs#808 (1-2)
Dexter "CSJJ" Sharp 263lbs#813 (6-6)
RJ Brooks 143lbs#816 (11-13)
Reggie Burgess 186lbs#816 (10-12)
Chelo Gonzalez 187lbs#830 (7-5)
Art Hudson 253lbs#836 (2-3)
Jerry Harris 215lbs#841 (11-10)
Brad " Bad Economy" McConomy 173lbs#842 (25-17)
Mike Keller 185lbs#844 (10-10)
Red Hansen 197lbs#847 (2-4)
Wadu "wrest fort" Bivin 273lbs#849 (2-5)
Alan "Liberty" Bell 184lbs#851 (36-28)
Johnny Fuimaono 206lbs#851 (5-9)
Guy Curtis 251lbs#855 (5-9)
Tom Wright 213lbs#858 (2-3)
Phil Norman 260lbs#859 (4-7)
Saer Banes 221lbs#861 (1-2)
Riggs "Panties of shame" George 169lbs#863 (5-10)
Azize "judo cond" Tingatinga 155lbs#864 (1-4)
Ace Robbins 171lbs#865 (1-1)
Dalton Wood 179lbs#866 (13-12)
Eric Kelly 145lbs#866 (2-2)
Connor "too sweet to be" Sauer 270lbs#880 (7-15)
Cory Swanson 277lbs#889 (4-6)
Chimii "Changa" Godoy 206lbs#897 (19-21)
Butch "McLicious" McDonald 188lbs#903 (29-18)
Doug Montana 223lbs#903 (3-2)
Troy "Per" Simmons 147lbs#909 (29-24)
Jeremy Russell 223lbs#909 (7-8)
"Rat" Race Mitchell 141lbs#912 (6-9)
Buddy Anderson 243lbs#918 (43-41)
Gabe "Feb 2128" Reed 276lbs#921 (12-7)
Jake Nash 251lbs#921 (2-4)
Bo Watts 175lbs#923 (3-5)
Cadwallader Weal 165lbs#926 (1-3)
Eiros Lloyd 229lbs#929 (1-4)
Manny "Don" King 200lbs#944 (16-11)
Dexter McCann 213lbs#944 (2-5)
Ray "The Carpenter" Ivey 205lbs#948 (5-7)
Alamisi Mwangata 262lbs#950 (11-14)
Del "Deez Nuts" Lange 212lbs#953 (5-5)
Jared Moore 161lbs#955 (0-5)
Evan Day 169lbs#959 (5-4)
Hade "HO" Henderson 173lbs#962 (21-24)
Clyde Collins 195lbs#969 (16-12)
Branden Sherk 272lbs#973 (3-3)
Haji Mussa 213lbs#976 (6-12)
Clark "Panties of shame" Chandler 150lbs#982 (24-31)
Brad "Waste of Space" Brooks 176lbs#989 (13-13)
Leon Harris 267lbs#999 (18-13)
Daniel "Lint Licker" Lee 189lbs#1005 (25-20)
Bruce "Twisted" Colon 155lbs#1009 (21-20)
Gus Cooper 190lbs#1010 (7-4)
Eric Knothe 171lbs#1017 (2-2)
Jordan Webster 269lbs#1020 (2-3)
Keith Dezee 181lbs#1021 (1-1)
Bob "DB" Adams 280lbs#1027 (21-20)
Barney Cannon 158lbs#1031 (1-0)
Dustin "The Bookshelf" Barrett 259lbs#1034 (0-5)
Rory Franklin 170lbs#1036 (1-2)
Jov "wres bala" Dubinin 196lbs#1036 (2-4)
Del Snyder 257lbs#1037 (0-5)
Vychan Hier 158lbs#1048 (7-8)
Frye "Fort Wrest Brawl" Lambert 152lbs#1051 (0-1)
Del "Monster" Nash 140lbs#1053 (3-7)
Sergio Aguilar 158lbs#1057 (2-5)
Otto Williamson 161lbs#1060 (3-7)
Dalton Rowly 149lbs#1067 (0-1)
Vinnie Joseph 155lbs#1071 (2-5)
Kohaku Okakura 190lbs#1086 (14-10)
Gutter "Panties of shame" Wellen 215lbs#1100 (14-15)
Ales El Amin 197lbs#1104 (2-4)
Mason Shamrock 133lbs#1108 (2-4)
Johnny Carter 205lbs#1112 (1-2)
Juancho Vasquez 188lbs#1121 (11-10)
Chael "Foul wants meto BANG" Fulton 170lbs#1123 (21-28)
Billy "Wrest Greco" Foster 257lbs#1124 (0-1)
Kurt "condition Strength" Keller 192lbs#1131 (0-4)
Stewart Rogers 198lbs#1132 (0-2)
Edvinas Sutkus 190lbs#1134 (3-4)
Keith Maxwell 161lbs#1137 (1-2)
Mark Taylor 135lbs#1146 (2-3)
Milo Hill 186lbs#1152 (2-3)
Salvador Kitong 206lbs#1155 (0-2)
Jerry Franklin 190lbs#1158 (2-4)
Ray "Ray" Campbell 181lbs#1164 (20-20)
Luis "420KC Killer" Bayani 203lbs#1164 (10-10)
Rocky Cherry 212lbs#1171 (1-4)
Jeremy Torres 261lbs#1173 (6-7)
Andwele "cond stren" Shibuda 181lbs#1173 (0-2)
Tomos Cecil 259lbs#1177 (0-2)
Dennis Brundage 218lbs#1181 (1-7)
Ty "Hotdog" Thornton 157lbs#1183 (2-5)
Andy Reid 185lbs#1185 (1-2)
Chucho "Fawna and" Flores 194lbs#1190 (10-9)
Tyson Weber 155lbs#1192 (2-7)
Mason Bonello 200lbs#1192 (1-1)
Sterlin Douglas 279lbs#1197 (0-3)
Norm Tate 224lbs#1200 (4-5)
Reggie Moore 205lbs#1206 (6-7)
Ronald Hubbard 165lbs#1212 (1-1)
Steve Howard 190lbs#1217 (0-4)
Billy "The Goat" Cote 202lbs#1218 (24-18)
Dante "wrest fort brawl" Peters 145lbs#1218 (0-3)
Fflewdwr Floyd 205lbs#1220 (0-1)
Vincent Lentz 209lbs#1226 (3-3)
Coni "DBA TUB3 Fighter" Rodriguez 275lbs#1227 (17-14)
Tom "Buddys Brother" Anderson 246lbs#1234 (32-25)
Peter Tviw 261lbs#1246 (1-5)
Dalton Miller 192lbs#1247 (3-2)
Bryce Carter 230lbs#1247 (0-1)
Julito "GoodHouse" Casabuena 154lbs#1254 (1-7)
Lloyd Rebello 214lbs#1260 (2-4)
Neil Tyler 171lbs#1260 (1-5)
Caddell Wogan 268lbs#1263 (0-3)
Eiros Hier 248lbs#1266 (0-3)
Anargul Bolat 144lbs#1270 (3-6)
Lucas Horton 198lbs#1271 (1-3)
Jay "grec stre bala" Fields 224lbs#1273 (1-3)
Sergio Camargo 214lbs#1276 (8-8)
Nicolas Nunez 178lbs#1276 (3-7)
Remedios Vargas 211lbs#1280 (8-6)
Earnell Goodman 267lbs#1281 (7-10)
Chepito Herrera 279lbs#1282 (3-2)
Ben "Veloz Terremoto" Al Onazy 253lbs#1285 (2-16)
Gerard Long 186lbs#1296 (8-10)
Gregory Robinson 273lbs#1298 (27-22)
Slater Stanley 199lbs#1303 (2-4)
Ndweleifwa Makinda 221lbs#1303 (0-2)
Andrei Murcia 180lbs#1304 (6-10)
Fred Adams 276lbs#1306 (5-8)
Stu Mann 165lbs#1313 (2-5)
Bryan Baldwin 200lbs#1315 (2-4)
Jean Bisson 174lbs#1325 (12-13)
Andres Fernandez 274lbs#1337 (2-6)
Bobby "The Brain Beefcake" Barber 221lbs#1339 (2-4)
Ken " Almost Dangrus Man" Cloutier 176lbs#1346 (20-21)
Parker Cobb 208lbs#1346 (3-4)
Bif Anderson 254lbs#1349 (1-5)
Gilberto Belfort 262lbs#1352 (0-4)
Omar Amirmoez 173lbs#1352 (0-5)
Edu Perez 164lbs#1360 (1-0)
Raymond Brown 199lbs#1362 (3-2)
Lief "Garrett" Bennett 143lbs#1376 (2-4)
Raul "Almond" Rocha 199lbs#1384 (18-17)
Roger Chambers 246lbs#1387 (0-2)
Kyle Moreno 138lbs#1387 (3-4)
Pollito Palafox 173lbs#1388 (4-5)
Gilbert "Wheres the Beef" Stewart 268lbs#1391 (11-8)
Eric Popham 267lbs#1402 (0-2)
Abe Jach 206lbs#1410 (24-19)
AJ "The Flying" Scott 239lbs#1432 (9-10)
Panchito "Chugg" Garcia 195lbs#1437 (17-16)
Kurt Lessard 170lbs#1447 (0-3)
Simon Phillips 254lbs#1464 (1-2)
Gan Long 196lbs#1472 (2-4)
Hiroaki Kita 259lbs#1477 (36-35)
Wayne Blair 140lbs#1479 (0-3)
Billy "Camel Toe Clutch" Stewart 220lbs#1486 (0-3)
Billy Albright 190lbs#1502 (0-2)
Dexter Carlson 159lbs#1508 (0-1)
Hugh "Suck My" Foster 128lbs#1509 (1-7)
Norman Bennett 144lbs#1510 (2-5)
Clyde Martin 255lbs#1512 (0-5)
Dennis Weber 232lbs#1513 (0-3)
Sam Robbins 188lbs#1515 (2-6)
Braxton Keeney 181lbs#1518 (0-1)
Sergio Vasquez 277lbs#1524 (0-2)
Marvin Hathaway 156lbs#1531 (1-3)
Wes Richards 159lbs#1552 (2-7)
Andy Ingram 172lbs#1558 (0-2)
Micky Lowe 191lbs#1559 (2-4)
"T R A I N E R" Travis Watson 229lbs#1565 (2-6)
Gerhart Clevenger 164lbs#1567 (0-2)
"Cocain" Mitch Stevenson 171lbs#1571 (2-4)
Erasmo Junior 181lbs#1576 (1-3)
Oliver "Twist" Henderson 183lbs#1593 (18-16)
Gabriel Brown 217lbs#1597 (9-7)
Brock Phillips 255lbs#1601 (7-6)
Clive Wilson 179lbs#1609 (3-6)
Dick Scott 192lbs#1610 (6-5)
Indigo Gianopoulos 209lbs#1612 (0-3)
Scott "Cant buy a win" Roberts 189lbs#1631 (8-13)
Edwin Haynes 167lbs#1640 (0-4)
Shannon Armstrong 151lbs#1670 (0-3)
Jasmine "DBA" Phillips 140lbs#1674 (1-4)
Sidney Parks 175lbs#1689 (1-5)
Johnny Mehman 186lbs#1691 (0-1)
Richie Blair 127lbs#1706 (2-6)
Stu Walters 201lbs#1721 (1-5)
Clive Hill 156lbs#1740 (2-6)
Kyle Hart 208lbs#1741 (0-4)
Branden Harvey 137lbs#1742 (1-5)
Bull Carter 214lbs#1750 (0-2)
BJ Duncan 145lbs#1757 (2-4)
"T R A I N E R" Lawerence Bowen 139lbs#1766 (3-6)
Jim Parks 158lbs#1777 (0-1)
Hugh Turner 168lbs#1778 (0-2)
Rodrigo Pruna 212lbs#1780 (2-5)
Dustin Robitaille 175lbs#1785 (2-7)
Marty Shamrock 156lbs#1786 (2-5)
Daiki Toyama 213lbs#1797 (3-3)
Ahamad Spencer 126lbs#1799 (1-3)
Micky Ray 208lbs#1800 (0-4)
Chance "Tina u Cow" Turner 192lbs#1808 (11-12)
"T R A I N E R" Arafat Rahman 254lbs#1824 (1-5)
Marvin Stephens 152lbs#1833 (4-6)
Iliarde Santoro 198lbs#1835 (1-2)
Ray "A Golden Lock of Sun" Moore 273lbs#1850 (17-22)
Nico "El Tortilla" Rivera 168lbs#1856 (8-8)
Palmer "DBA" Ross 139lbs#1870 (0-2)
Derrick Ray 211lbs#1875 (3-7)
Tyler Baxter 158lbs#1885 (0-2)
Curt James 212lbs#1925 (2-3)
Eugene "The Fry" Cook 160lbs#1935 (22-20)
Sidney Colon 225lbs#1977 (7-5)
Eric Campbell 200lbs#1986 (0-2)
Jackson Combs 165lbs#1994 (2-4)
Tyrone Guida 181lbs#2000 (1-3)
Yves Price 174lbs#2007 (39-39)
Hack McDonald 155lbs#2018 (0-3)
Dexter Rogers 259lbs#2030 (2-2)
Wanderlai Dos Santos 139lbs#2063 (0-4)
Marcus Townsend 268lbs#2069 (1-7)
Bubba Lafromboise 277lbs#2081 (0-2)
Shannon Collins 198lbs#2087 (2-1)
Harry Gray 190lbs#2090 (4-2)
Conrad Kirshner 198lbs#2093 (7-7)
Dirk Warner 140lbs#2100 (1-4)
Miguel Espinoza 151lbs#2120 (0-1)
Ian "Beef" Stewart 209lbs#2127 (18-18)
Jock "The Iron Sheik" Morrison 133lbs#2160 (8-10)
Vernon Pope 138lbs#2161 (0-3)
Billy " DBA" Evans 220lbs#2171 (2-3)
Sidney Holt 198lbs#2176 (1-2)
Jordan Eilers 188lbs#2206 (0-2)
Jamyron Armstrong 141lbs#2250 (0-2)
Christian Clark 185lbs#2254 (5-5)
Baker Quinn 259lbs#2256 (1-4)
Matthew "The brother of Hugh" Jodoin 171lbs#2265 (36-33)
Logan "Stupid" Jennings 245lbs#2266 (3-13)
Max Spinney 197lbs#2298 (0-2)
Simon "Says" Taylor 215lbs#2320 (12-9)
Buzz Sharp 260lbs#2321 (1-3)
Travis Torres 171lbs#2400 (4-4)
Micky Ball 138lbs#2408 (0-3)
George Campbell 155lbs#2423 (3-2)
Simon "Says DBA" Spencer 194lbs#2431 (5-10)
Darwin Villanueva 182lbs#2547 (6-8)
Gregory "Qaurter" Nelson 252lbs#2557 (20-18)
Billy Anderson 202lbs#2562 (1-1)
Gage "Mister Submission" Sherk 185lbs#2580 (17-19)
Shane Richards 262lbs#2628 (1-9)
Austin Patterson 188lbs#2759 (1-0)
LaRon Cummings 264lbs#2776 (4-6)
Lief Nash 194lbs#2790 (4-2)
Teddy Jenkins 209lbs#2827 (0-5)
Junichi Hirota 182lbs#2972 (5-3)
Joseph Juntareal 184lbs#2991 (7-5)
Slavik Gorbatov 271lbs#3002 (1-3)
Norm Rogers 175lbs#3103 (1-2)
Daniel Harris 188lbs#3144 (2-2)
Dexter Scott 212lbs#3160 (7-12)
Minori "ty Report" Kitao 262lbs#3212 (2-4)
Pablo Salazar 178lbs#3220 (3-3)
Oscar Feijo 184lbs#3277 (1-2)
Calvin Couture 180lbs#3295 (3-4)
Dexter "Fat Feet" Allen 160lbs#3345 (23-27)
Nathan Thompson 172lbs#3440 (5-8)
Derrick "Know" Hart 209lbs#3588 (3-5)
Owen Wood 226lbs#3649 (1-1)
Noah Evans 180lbs#3753 (3-5)
Hisashi Ishida 172lbs#3756 (6-7)
Mauri Munoz 163lbs#3791 (2-4)
Will Michaud 277lbs#3868 (5-5)
Everett "HAS AN IMPACTED" Colon 185lbs#3901 (16-15)
Sasha Carter 229lbs#3929 (1-3)
Katsuro "King Kong" Kusonoki 179lbs#4035 (2-2)
Steffan "Wolf" Miller 191lbs#4062 (2-2)
Cali Nunez 191lbs#4083 (0-1)
Lee "Kelly" Kelly 181lbs#4133 (10-12)
Benny Ryan 173lbs#4177 (20-30)
Denny "I dont drive" 65 226lbs#4307 (3-2)
Claude Taylor 255lbs#4314 (3-4)
Kunio Shizuma 221lbs#4324 (1-2)
Derrell Edwards 200lbs#4343 (3-4)
Dustin Kelly 192lbs#4345 (1-5)
Scott Phillips 192lbs#4422 (1-1)
Chelo Moreno 209lbs#4461 (1-2)
Rick Smith 223lbs#4486 (0-2)
Greg Nadeau 185lbs#4567 (7-6)
Al Brown 236lbs#4646 (3-3)
Richard Lee 187lbs#4738 (2-2)
RJ James 170lbs#4754 (1-3)
Jon "Left Overs" Campbell 171lbs#4976 (0-1)
Morgan Lundy 209lbs#4985 (1-4)
Chepito Delgado 176lbs#5052 (2-3)
Rob Morgan 194lbs#5279 (0-2)
Branden "they call me Mister" Rogers 257lbs#5379 (5-7)
Will Edwards 205lbs#5397 (1-2)
Zack Wright 198lbs#5417 (1-3)
Dexter Nash 204lbs#5424 (2-3)
Dante Brooks 207lbs#5464 (1-2)
Tyson "Sweet Dreams" Elkins 171lbs#5663 (2-1)
Pascal Martin 273lbs#5707 (0-2)
Jacob Jenkins 189lbs#5724 (1-1)
Atlas McDonald 177lbs#5738 (3-5)
Pepe Soto 182lbs#5776 (1-0)
Carlitos Morales 180lbs#5899 (7-11)
Kid Taylor 195lbs#5939 (2-2)
Walt Edwards 176lbs#5962 (1-2)
Cael "DBAs LittleDawg27 " Stewart 211lbs#6052 (16-24)
Suso "Susio" Romero 149lbs#6081 (21-25)
Ed Patterson 172lbs#6313 (4-5)
Billy Wiltsie 168lbs#6430 (13-18)
Mac "Taco" Bell 146lbs#6455 (35-45)
Burke Wagner 206lbs#6591 (0-1)
Lex Jones 168lbs#6591 (0-1)
Denny "Lester the Molester" Hayes 187lbs#6846 (0-1)
Leon Biek 191lbs#6952 (2-8)
Matt Kelly 207lbs#6978 (3-5)
Joshua "Tree Old Mans" Walker 193lbs#7020 (0-2)
Gunther Weber 204lbs#7100 (0-1)
Carl Rogers 210lbs#7129 (1-4)
Richard Smith 206lbs#7172 (1-3)
Amyr Gamboa 180lbs#7187 (0-2)
Art White 260lbs#7229 (2-3)
Tank Simmons 174lbs#7266 (1-4)
Angus Fournier 177lbs#7273 (0-2)
Ted Butler 175lbs#7285 (0-1)
Buck Bryant 203lbs#7458 (3-6)
Dusty "Rhodes Bubbling" Brooks 149lbs#7524 (1-5)
Heath Peterson 210lbs#7549 (0-1)
Consuelo Aguilar 267lbs#7686 (1-1)
Chelo Vargas 171lbs#7810 (0-1)
Duke "of Earl" Clark 174lbs#7868 (3-7)
Gary Evans 183lbs#8076 (1-3)
Bruno Feijo 181lbs#8510 (0-4)
Cru "Your Momma" Martin 225lbs#8613 (6-11)
Jacob "Little Chin" Lee 187lbs#8755 (6-6)
Robbie "Richard" Simmons 147lbs#8822 (1-4)
Gregory Brown 193lbs#8923 (0-2)
JT Brown 181lbs#9180 (17-22)
Walter Brooks 223lbs#9326 (0-3)
Chepito "on the" Flores 145lbs#9387 (22-42)
Dale Baker 155lbs#9427 (1-4)
Miguel "El Mater dor" Rodriguez 262lbs#9443 (4-7)
Vincent "You Will Pay The" Price 255lbs#9659 (7-13)
Travis Nelson 196lbs#9668 (5-6)
Bill "Steve" Martin 146lbs#9699 (2-6)
Gabe Perry 157lbs#9803 (1-3)
Garret "Palone" Collins 198lbs#10120 (1-1)
Hiroki Taniguchi 174lbs#10215 (0-4)
Bob Phillips 203lbs#10494 (1-3)
BJ Peterson 198lbs#10523 (0-4)
Matt Ross 190lbs#10566 (2-7)
Hack "Saws and Belt" Sanders 176lbs#10711 (0-4)
Bart Young 277lbs#10752 (0-2)
Ramon Bryant 199lbs#10891 (0-1)
Hunter "Howlongcan imakethis" Scott 204lbs#10922 (1-8)
Mauri Perez 155lbs#10995 (1-2)
Jake Howard 191lbs#11143 (0-4)
Hank Green 182lbs#11840 (0-1)
Derrick "Oil Well" Wilson 154lbs#12126 (3-13)
Hans Reinhold 159lbs#12502 (1-6)
Branden Lapointe 267lbs#12672 (0-1)
Michael Hamilton 209lbs#12877 (7-17)
Chael "I Hate Yellow and" Green 209lbs#13542 (0-3)