Round 1 "The Grey" connects with a strong body shot combo. Nate Miller circles Ren, mixing jabs with body shots. After dodging a jab-cross, Nate Miller lands a kick to the liver of Ren who steps back and begins to take a knee. Nate Miller rushes forward to capitalize but Ren stands back up and is met by a strong cross-uppercut that again backs him up. Nate Miller connects with jab cross combination. Nate Miller tries to hyperextend the knee of Goh with a kick to the kneecap. Goh hops back to avoid it. Round 1 is finished.
Round 2 Nate connects with jab cross combination. Ren winds up a heavy straight but is countered by a hard counter knee to the body. Goh attempts a striking combination, but Miller forces the clinch. "The Grey" grabs the plum and pulls Goh Rens face towards a powerful knee which is blocked. "The Grey" releases the hold and lands an uppercut. Ren is hit with a jab then hook to the body and stumbles backward. Nate Miller explodes forward with a push kick that puts Ren on the canvas. "The Grey" stands over Ren, works his way through his open guard and lands some solid standing punches. Ren is able to grab an arm and pull "The Grey" into his guard. Two strong elbows from "The Grey" dazes Goh Ren. "The Grey" transitions into side control. Nate Miller attempts to mount, but gets a few punches from Ren for his troubles. Ren is wisely defending a kimura. Nate Miller attempts to take it but Ren is having none of it, though Nate Miller has used the chance the slide into mount.Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Miller connects with a series of punches forcing Goh into a clinch. Nate Miller receieves numerous knees to the thighs from Goh. "The Grey" lands multiple piston shots and short uppercuts to soften up Ren for a trip takedown. Ren is able to pull a switch mid-trip and lands in "The Greys" half guard. Round 3 is over.
Round 4 "The Grey" attempts a takedown, but cannot finish it. Goh Ren takes advantage of the moment taking side control. Goh slides his knee across the body of Miller and takes full mount. Nate Miller attempts to escape mount but has no luck. Ren telegraphs his motions for an armbar, but "The Grey" gives up his back to stop the attempt. Ren tries to set in a rear naked choke, but can't quite finish it. Miller tripods up, causing Goh to fall forward. As Goh tries to scramble up Miller lands a lunging hook, putting Goh on the ground. Miller stands up and looks to the ref to force Goh into standing. The ref does not comply. The round comes to an end.
Round 5 Goh narrowly dodges a cross from Miller, but falls catching him in his guard. Miller tries to pick up Ren for a powerbomb, but Ren releases his guard and ends up in stand up. Ren lands a quick elbow, cross that floors Miller. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Ren works to Nates back while standing. Ren throws a couple of outside shots until Nate Miller is able to work his way back to the clinch. While in the clinch Goh Ren trips up "The Grey" making him fall to his back. Goh Ren takes dominant side control immediately. Goh Ren attempts an armbar, but Miller stops the attempt. Goh Ren uses the oppurtunity to take mount. Round 5 is finished.