Round 1 Wiuff is cut open by a standing elbow strike. The ref stops the fight. The doctor take a look at the cut and determines Wiuff can continue. Wiuff connects with a hard punch making Tremblay bring him in to a tight clinch. Austin grabs the plum and lands a strong elbow that puts Evan Wiuff on the floor. Austin grabs a foot and kicks at Evans thighs. He then backs off and Evan Wiuff stands back up. A powerful elbow has Evan Wiuff stepping back dazed. Austin Tremblay lands an inside leg kick and a cross, then grabs the plum and tosses Evan Wiuff to the ground. Austin Tremblay chucks Evans legs to a side to attempt a soccer kick but misses and he elects to sprawl into side control. Austin Tremblay slides his knee across the body of Evan Wiuff and takes full mount. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Round 2 Evan Wiuff tries to hyperextend the knee of Tremblay with a kick to the kneecap. Tremblay hops back to avoid it. Austin Tremblay presses forward, grabbing the plum and lands a strong hook, buckling Evan to the mat. Austin Tremblay follows him into the guard. Tremblay frees a leg and moves into half guard. Evan Wiuff snatches a kimura lock and sweeps Austin Tremblay over to side control. Evan Wiuff continues to crank the lock causing Austin Tremblay to scream and tap.