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Special Attraction - Legend Fight
Light Heavyweight (205lbs)

Everett Francis
Bay Bombers
Ground & Pound
Highest Rank: #2
Record: 77 - 42
Mashinda Makoni
Russian Fitness Fighting
Catch & Shoot
Highest Rank: #48
Record: 38 - 29

Round 1
Makoni dives in for a takedown but the momentum of the attempt ends in a scramble back to their feet. Francis stuffs a shot from Mashinda and hits him with a hard hook to the temple and pushes him to take his guard. A right hand from Makoni while in guard angers Everett who returns the favor with a powerful right hand. Everett Francis drops some elbows from guard, giving him a brief moment to switch over to side control. Everett Francis slides his knee across the body of Mashinda Makoni and takes full mount. Everett Francis throws some outside strikes at Mashinda Makoni. Everett splits Makonis nose open with a well timed punch. Round 1 is finished.

Round 2
Everett throws a push kick. Makoni shucks it and strikes with a overhand that crashes into Everett Franciss nose. A trip to the ground allows Everett Francis to move into the guard of Makoni. Mashinda lands a stiff elbow while on his back. Mashinda tries to slide out of guard, but a scramble ensues. Everett ends up mounted by Mashinda. Mashinda throws some outside strikes at Everett Francis. Makoni postures up and begins to fire off rapid shots from mount but Everett Francis tripods up and sweeps him over to his back. Everett Francis quickly gets himself to mount. The round comes to an end.

Round 3
Everett feints a takedown attempt and connects with a left hook dropping Mashinda. Everett dives into guard. Mashinda gives up guard avoiding a powerful hammer fist. He now has half guard. Mashinda Makoni holds the head of Everett Francis close to avoid shots. Everett Francis slams shots to his opponents ribs and throws hard elbows to the thighs. Everett slips out of half guard and into side control. Mashinda almost switches side control around, but falls short at the last moment. Makoni sweeps over Everett and quickly obtains mount position. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.

Round 4
After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Mashinda Makoni attempts to grab the plum but is kept off balance by Everett Franciss strikes. Everett takes Makonis back standing. Mashinda isolates an arm to lock a spinning kimura but Everett lands a sharp shovel punch that forces Mashinda to release. A looping right hook from Francis sends Makoni to the mat. Everett drops a huge strike to Makonis chin, landing into his guard. Everett Francis takes a risk going for a leglock from being caught in Mashinda Makonis guard. It doesn't pay off as Mashinda Makoni makes his way to standing. A trip to the ground allows Francis to move into the guard of Mashinda Makoni. A deep cut is open up over the eye of Mashinda Makoni from strikes in the guard. The ref stops the fight so the doctor can look at it. The doctor says he can continue. Everett tries to pass guard but Makoni stops him with a well timed punch. Round 4 is finished.

Round 5
Everett connects with a strong right hook. Everett Francis snaps back the head of Makoni with a stiff jab. Mashinda fires a haymaker but misses spinning himself around. Francis quickly takes his back. Francis tries to set in a rear naked choke, but can't quite finish it. Mashinda Makoni starts to wiggle out of back control, Everett lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Everett Francis throws a few jabs at Makoni that miss the mark. A shot catches Mashinda off balance and off guard. Everett Francis spears him but can only manage to make it to guard. The round comes to an end.

Everett Francis wins by Unanimous Decision