Round 1 "The King of the Ring" hits a lead uppercut and follows with a hard hook to the head of "Cash Money Punjab". Emanuel rushes forward landing a quick succession of leg, body and head kicks sends "Cash Money Punjab" back into the cage dizzied. Shaan Bhatnagar is showing signs of frustration as Emanuel moves around the ring like he owns it punishing him with strikes. Emanuel Ahrens unleashes a flurry of punches on Shaan. Emanuel parries Shaans jab and lands an uppercut. "Cash Money Punjab" connects with numerous jabs to the face of "The King of the Ring". Shaan attempts to press in on Ahrens but is met with powerful inside-leg kicks. Emanuel circles Bhatnagar, mixing jabs with body shots. "Cash Money Punjab" takes in a well composed combination of quick strikes from Ahrens. Ahrens connects with a hard jab as Shaan attempts a wide outside hook.Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 "Cash Money Punjab" keeps "The King of the Ring" at a distance with some well timed jabs. Shaan Bhatnagar fakes an overhand and is able to take down Emanuel Ahrens with a double ankle pick. An attempt to pull a switch is blocked by "Cash Money Punjab" but both fighters end up on their side. Both fighters scramble to a stand up. "The King of the Ring" throws a hard jab but Shaan Bhatnagar throws a cross right over the top rocking "The King of the Ring". "Cash Money Punjab" parries a jab but leaves himself open for a hard cross that sends him to the canvas. "The King of the Ring" follows with a falling punch into Bhatnagars guard. Shaan Bhatnagar attempts an armbar from the bottom, but Ahrens slips out at the last moment. Bhatnagar sinks a kimura fromt he bottom but cannot finish. He rolls Emanuel Ahrens over to gain mount but Emanuel Ahrens is able to achieve half guard with a great scramble. Bhatnagar releases the kimura. Ahrens tries to scramble out of half guard, but Shaan Bhatnagar takes his back during it. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Round 3 After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Bhatnagar attempts to grab the plum but is hit by an aggressive uppercut from Emanuel Ahrens. Ahrens fakes a shot attempt from the clinch, opening Bhatnagar up for a flurry of hooks. Ahrens parries Shaan Bhatnagars jab and lands a hook. Ahrens connects with a combination and backs away from the counter combo of Bhatnagar. Shaan Bhatnagar hits a lead uppercut and follows with a hard hook to the head of Emanuel Ahrens. Ahrens blocks a hook cross combo but is pushed backward. Shaan Bhatnagar tries to press the action but is met with a jab-cross then an uppercut that puts him to on the floor. Emanuel Ahrens kicks at the legs of "Cash Money Punjab" and then asks him to stand up. The referee tells "Cash Money Punjab" to stand. The round comes to an end.
Round 4 Ahrens blocks a strong high kick from "Cash Money Punjab" and counters with a devastating left hook. Shaan Bhatnagar throws a flurry connecting with the final punch. Ahrens is rocked and stumbles to the ground but quickly shakes it off. Emanuel connects with a right that puts Shaan Bhatnagar off balance tumbling to the mat, as Emanuel towers over him. Emanuel hovers over "Cash Money Punjab" pushing his legs to the side and throwing punches down at his body and head. "Cash Money Punjab" sends a hard up kick that rocks Emanuel. "Cash Money Punjab" stands back up. Bhatnagar is hit with a stiff double jab and stumbles to the mat, rolling to his back. Emanuel Ahrens lays into Bhatnagars thighs with some well timed kicks while Bhatnagar is grounded. Emanuel Ahrens throws a short kick to the downed "Cash Money Punjab". "Cash Money Punjab" takes the chance to rise back to his feet. Shaan Bhatnagar hits an uppercut to the head of "The King of the Ring" followed by a hard hook. "Cash Money Punjab" lands a strong outside leg kick but is met with a counter hook that leaves him unconscious on the mat.
Emanuel "The King of the Ring" Ahrens wins by KO (Hook)