Round 1 Brooks connects with 1-2 jab hook combo and quickly steps away. Duval connects with a series of punches forcing Darryon Brooks into a clinch. Darryon Brooks works Duval into the cage from the clinch. Darryon Brooks presses his head under Christians chin so he cannot defend the piston shots from either side. Darryon lands a powerful uppercut in the clinch. Darryon Brooks fakes a shot attempt from the clinch, opening Christian up for a flurry of hooks. The fighters circle one another hopping in and out trying to find their range. Both fighters trade glancing shots continuing to find their respective range. Darryon Brooks blocks a strong high kick from Christian and counters with a devastating left hook. Christian shoots in and executes a textbook single leg takedown, giving him side control.Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 The fighters circle one another hopping in and out trying to find their range. Darryon feints and follows up with a hard cross. Christian Duval stalks forward paws away with a couple jabs missing the mark. Christian takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. Brooks circles Christian, keeping him at bay with quick strikes. Brooks feints and follows up with a hard cross. Christian Duval stalks forward paws away with a couple jabs missing the mark. Christian attempts to clinch, but Darryon Brooks connects with an uppercut to the jaw. Brooks hits a hook to the body and follows with a power straight that misses. A jab-hook-uppercut combo has Christian stepping back and shaking the cobwebs out. Brooks winds up a heavy straight but is countered by a hard counter knee to the body. Brooks lands a devastating overhand right on Christian Duval. The round comes to an end.
Round 3 Christian fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Darryon. Darryon Brooks works the clinch to his advantage, carefully connecting with precise strikes. Darryon escapes the clinch and creates some distance. Christian connects with a strong right hook. Duval connects with a jab cross combination. Christian hits a hook to the body and follows with a power straight that misses. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Round 4 Darryon hits a hard jab but misses with the follow up straight. Duval is dizzied on his feet from a furious punching sequence from Darryon Brooks. Christian connects with a strong body shot combo. Duval throws a powerful left hook, but is met with a strong jab from Darryon Brooks. Duval shoots for a single leg but Brooks is able to hop away, defending well. Duval takes the opportunity to execute a difficult double-ankle pick.Round 4 comes to a close.
Round 5 Brooks connects with numerous jabs to the face of Christian Duval. Brooks connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. A welt begins to form under Christians eye after a strong cross-hook landed from Brooks. Brooks tries to hyperextend the knee of Christian with a kick to the kneecap. Christian hops back to avoid it. Darryon Brooks connects with a hard combination sending Christian to the ground. Darryon Brooks follows him down into his guard and continues reigning punches to the head. Referee saves Christian from anymore damage.