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Special Attraction - Legend Fight
Catchweight Bout

Hyeon Jun "Jong" Kim
Highest Rank: #27
Record: 60 - 49
Juanito "el Fantasma" Cervantes
Distorted Reality
Counter Strike
Highest Rank: #1
Record: 98 - 32

Round 1
"Jong" connects with a strong body shot combo. Juanito Cervantes circles "Jong", keeping him at bay with quick strikes. Kim parries a jab but leaves himself open for an uppercut. "el Fantasma" parries "Jongs" jab and connect with a cross. "el Fantasma" lands a double jab. Juanito Cervantes connects with a hard right hand putting Hyeon Jun Kim on the mat. Juanito Cervantes goes down with him into side control. The round comes to an end.

Round 2
"el Fantasma" feints and follows up with a hard crossto the head of Hyeon Jun. Juanito Cervantes connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. Both fighters trade glancing shots continuing to find their respective range. Cervantes parries "Jongs" jab and lands a liver shot. Kim throws a few jabs at Juanito Cervantes that miss the mark. Juanito fires a haymaker but misses spinning himself around. Kim quickly takes his back. Round 2 is finished.

Round 3
"Jong" attempts to clinch, but Juanito Cervantes connects with an uppercut to the jaw. A wild hook from Kim is ducked by Cervantes who lands a cross-hook to the body before backing away. Hyeon Jun lands a strong outside leg kick but is hit with a strong uppercut. Cervantes connects with numerous jabs to the face of "Jong". "el Fantasma" circles Hyeon Jun Kim, mixing jabs with body shots. A lazy leg kick from Juanito is caught by "Jong" who lands a huge overhand right, flooring Juanito. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.

Round 4
Juanito connects with a hard punch making Hyeon Jun bring him in to a tight clinch. "el Fantasma" works Hyeon Jun into the cage from the clinch. "el Fantasma" presses his head under "Jongs" chin so he cannot defend the piston shots from either side. Cervantes fakes a shot attempt from the clinch, opening Hyeon Jun Kim up for a flurry of hooks. Juanito blocks a hook cross combo but is pushed backward. "Jong" tries to press the action but is met with a hook, uppercut that keeps him at bay. Cervantes parries Hyeon Jun Kims jab and lands a liver shot. The fighters circle one another hopping in and out trying to find their range. "el Fantasma" parries Kims jab and lands a liver shot that buckles "Jong". "Jong" rolls to his back with "el Fantasma" standing over him. Juanito Cervantes stands over "Jong", works his way through his open guard and lands some solid standing punches. "Jong" is able to grab an arm and pull Juanito Cervantes into his guard. Round 4 is over.

Round 5
Cervantes lands a hook to the body then a straight cross to the sternum. Juanito Cervantes fires a haymaker but misses spinning himself around. Hyeon Jun quickly takes his back. Juanito Cervantes carefully protects himself from Hyeon Juns strikes. "el Fantasma" slips out the back leading to both fighters standing up. Kim connects with a hard jab as Cervantes attempts a wide outside hook. "el Fantasma" lands a double jab. "el Fantasma" throws a few jabs at Hyeon Jun that miss the mark. Round 5 is over.

Juanito "el Fantasma" Cervantes wins by Unanimous Decision