Round 1 Firmin connects with a strong body shot combo. Chiam Gao dives in for a takedown but the momentum of the attempt ends in a scramble back to their feet. A welt begins to form under Chiam Gaos eye after a strong cross-hook landed from Aldrich Firmin. Gao throws a few jabs at Aldrich Firmin that miss the mark. The bell signals the end of round 1.
Round 2 Chiam attempts to press in on Aldrich but is met with powerful inside-leg kicks. Chiam Gao throws a cross that easily dodged by Aldrich Firmin. Firmin connects with a right that puts Gao off balance tumbling to the mat, as Firmin towers over him. Aldrich hovers over "Melee Malay" pushing his legs to the side and throwing punches down at his body and head. "Melee Malay" sends a hard up kick that rocks Aldrich. "Melee Malay" stands back up. Gao throws a hard jab but Firmin throws a cross right over the top that knocks Gao to the ground. Chiam Gao thrusts his leg into Firmins knee while grounded. Aldrich Firmin throws a short kick to the downed Chiam. Chiam takes the chance to rise back to his feet. Aldrich connects with numerous jabs to the face of "Melee Malay". After dodging a jab, Firmin lands a kick to the liver of Chiam who steps back only to take a knee. Firmin rushes forward to capitalize but Chiam falls to his back to avoid the onslaught. The round comes to an end.
Round 3 "Melee Malay" takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. The fighters circle one another hopping in and out trying to find their range. Gao attempts to press in on Aldrich Firmin but is met with powerful inside-leg kicks. Chiam Gao throws a push kick. Aldrich Firmin shucks it and strikes with a overhand that crashes into Chiams nose.
Chiam circles to the right. Firmin hits a hard spinning back kick to the body. Round 3 is finished.
Round 4 Aldrich Firmin dodges a jab and throws a kick to the midsection of "Melee Malay". The fighters circle one another hopping in and out trying to find their range. Firmin lands a solid kick to the front leg of Chiam. Aldrich connects with a hard punch making Chiam bring him in to a tight clinch. Chiam Gao is jockeying for position in the clinch. "Melee Malay" is jockeying for position in the clinch. Firmin takes "Melee Malays" back standing, but "Melee Malay" isolates an arm and locks a spinning kimura ending up in side mount. The round comes to an end.
Round 5 "Melee Malay" snaps back the head of Aldrich Firmin with a stiff jab. Gao pressures his opponent into clinching. Firmin takes the back of "Melee Malay" who works for a kimura. Firmin pulls his arm out of the hold and push "Melee Malay" away. Gao throws a few strikes allowing him to clinch with his opponent. Aldrich receieves numerous knees to the thighs from Chiam Gao. In the clinch Gao wraps his arm around the back of the head of Aldrich Firmin and hip tosses him over to his back with a Koshi Guruma throw. Gao takes side control. Aldrich takes a few knees to the body while under Chiams side control. Aldrich Firmin is able to get back to full guard.Round 5 comes to a close.