Round 1 "Bodies Hit The Floor" circles Cliff Bryant, landing jabs at will. Tank gets hit with a strong punch, putting him to the mat, but he recovers just in time to give up his back. Tank White carefully protects himself from Bryants strikes. Tank White is able to make it back to the standing position. The fighters circle each other. Tank lands a left hook, only to follow up with a strong kick to the ribs. Tank White snaps back the head of Cliff with a stiff jab. Round 1 comes to a close.
Round 2 "Bodies Hit The Floor" lands a strong outside leg kick that buckles Cliff Bryant. "Bodies Hit The Floor" then switch kicks Cliff Bryant on the opposing rib. Tank lands a solid kick to the inside thigh of Bryant. Tank snaps back the head of Cliff with a stiff jab. The fighters circle each other. The fighters circle each other. The ref stops the fight as the round comes to an end.
Round 3 After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Cliff receieves numerous knees to the thighs from White. White breaks away from the clinch while delivering a knee. Tank lands a strong outside leg kick and follows it up with a jab-cross combo. White lands a solid kick to the front leg of Cliff Bryant. The fighters circle each other. Bryant parries a jab but is caught by a sweeping leg kick that sends him to the floor. Tank lays into Cliff Bryants thighs with some well timed kicks while Cliff is grounded. The bell signals the end of round 3.
Tank "Bodies Hit The Floor" White wins by Unanimous Decision