Round 1 Jach eats a jab,jab, then a hook from Danny. Danny Demers keeps "GNARLY" at a distance with some well timed jabs. Noah throws a cross that easily dodged by Danny Demers. Demers catches a leg kick from Noah, and puts him on the mat. The round comes to an end.
Round 2 Danny Demers connects with a series of punches forcing "GNARLY" into a clinch. Danny Demers places a few punches to the ribs while tied up. Noah drops to a knee and attempts a takedown from the clinch. Danny Demers sets a guillotine choke but Noah slips out at the last moment. Noah is now caught in guard. Demers begins to work the rubber guard. "GNARLY" tries to pass guard but Danny Demers stops him with a well timed punch. Danny Demers connects with some unorthodox punches from the bottom position. Demers attempts a few a shots from the guard, but gets mounted for his troubles. The bell signals the end of round 2.
Round 3 Noah eats a jab,jab, then a hook from Demers. Danny narrowly dodges a cross from Noah Jach, but falls catching him in his guard. Demers begins to work the rubber guard. Danny Demers sinks a kimura, but cannot finish. He settles for a switch into mount. Noah Jach shifts his head and hips to keep Danny off balance and unable to land strikes. Noah Jach attempts to escape mount but has no luck. Round 3 is finished.