Round 1 Travis Steele is hit with a jab and then taken down by a beautiful single-leg takedown. Travis Steele connects with some unorthodox punches from the bottom position. Christian Reinhold takes a risk going for a leglock from being caught in Steeles guard. It doesn't pay off as Travis makes his way to standing. Travis Steele lands a devastating overhand right on Christian. Christian Reinhold lands a double jab. Christian stuffs a shot from Steele and lands some powerful outside hammerfists, eventually taking side mount. Christian attempts to mount, but gets a few punches from Travis Steele for his troubles. Christian Reinhold drops some good elbows to the face of Steele forcing him to give up his back. The bell signals the end of round 1.
Round 2 Travis Steele lands a strong outside leg kick that buckles Christian. Travis Steele then switch kicks Christian on the opposing rib. Travis Steele parries Reinholds jab and connect with a cross. Steele fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Reinhold. Travis Steele grabs the plum and pulls Reinholds face towards a powerful knee which is blocked. Travis Steele lets go of the hold and lands a hook. Steele is hit with a hook and a shovel punch and stumbles backward. Reinhold tries to press the action but is met with a push kick from Steele that puts him on the floor. Travis dances around Christian Reinholds legs and throws a hard kick to the body. The bell signals the end of round 2.
Round 3 Christian Reinhold attempts to clinch, but Travis connects with an uppercut to the jaw. Reinhold is rocked by a standing elbow strike. Christian Reinhold lands a strong outside leg kick that is returned by Steele. Reinhold lands a strong outside leg kick that is returned by Travis. Steele shuffles away from Christian Reinholds strikes and lands a powerful chopping kick to the lead leg. Christian backs away, obviously feeling the affects of the kick. Reinhold plows through Travis with a driving double leg takedown.Round 3 comes to a close.