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Lightweight (155lbs)

Caco Meira
Push the Pace
Age: 27
Record: 26 - 23
Ranking: 0
Andrya Ponomaryov
Dirty Boxing
Age: 40
Record: 24 - 15
Ranking: 0

Round 1
Caco Meira throws a powerful left hook, but is met with a strong jab from Andrya. Andrya Ponomaryov circles Caco Meira, mixing jabs with body shots. Caco Meira begins to clinch with Andrya Ponomaryov, but Andrya Ponomaryov presses out of it burning up quite a bit of energy. Caco Meira eats a strong cross as Ponomaryov moves into the clinch. Ponomaryov is able to work to two overhooks and lands some strong knees and short hooks. Ponomaryov continues to maintain the clinch, creating space often for strong elbows. Caco lands a powerful uppercut in the clinch. Andrya Ponomaryov works the clinch to his advantage, carefully connecting with precise strikes. Round 1 comes to a close.

Round 2
Andrya pressures his opponent into clinching. A strong elbow forces Caco Meira to lose his balance and fall to the floor. Andrya Ponomaryov kicks at the legs of Caco Meira and then asks him to stand up. The referee tells Caco Meira to stand. Ponomaryov slips a cross from Meira and lands jab cross to the body. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Andrya Ponomaryov works Caco Meira into the cage from the clinch. Andrya Ponomaryov presses his head under Caco Meiras chin so he cannot defend the piston shots from either side. Meira absorbs several body shots while being tied up. Caco tries to break away from the clinch to no avail. Andrya Ponomaryov has him on lockdown, peppering him with stiff shots. The round comes to an end.

Round 3
Andrya attempts a lazy shot, which Meira sprawls, eventually taking Andrya back. Caco peppers Andrya with several shots to the face. Andrya starts to wiggle out of back control, Caco lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Andrya takes a punch and goes to the mat, Caco pounces into side control. Andrya recovers quickly. Caco slides his knee across the body of Andrya and takes full mount. Andrya attempts to escape mount but has no luck. Caco Meira maintains mount but laying some well timed strikes. The bell signals the end of round 3.

Andrya Ponomaryov wins by Split Decision