Round 1 The fighters circle each other. Pierce connects with a combination and backs away from the counter combo of Ronnie Lindsey. Ronnie Lindseys legs are wobbled by a strong hook to the temple then a shovel punch to the jaw. Chuck Pierce dodges a jab and throws a knee to the midsection of Ronnie Lindsey. Pierce connects with a combination and backs away from the counter combo of Ronnie Lindsey. The round comes to an end.
Round 2 Chuck winds up a heavy straight but is countered by a hard counter knee to the body. Pierce attempts a striking combination, but Lindsey forces the clinch. Lindsey grabs the plum and lands a strong elbow that puts "Snowpiercer" on the floor. Lindsey hovers over Chuck pushing his legs to the side and throwing punches down at his body and head. Chuck sends a hard up kick that rocks Lindsey. Chuck stands back up. After dodging a jab, Lindsey lands a kick to the liver of Pierce who steps back only to take a knee. Lindsey rushes forward to capitalize but Pierce falls to his back to avoid the onslaught. Ronnie Lindsey pounces on Pierce, but is met with a powerful upkick. Ronnie Lindsey manages to land into side control though. Ronnie Lindsey lands a few stiff elbows from side control. Round 2 comes to a close.
Round 3 Ronnie Lindsey throws a few jabs at Chuck that miss the mark. Ronnie connects with a series of punches forcing "Snowpiercer" into a clinch. Chuck Pierce drops down and thrusts forward with a textbook double leg takedown. Chuck uses strikes to open Lindseys guard. Chuck stands up and waves Ronnie Lindsey up. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. A strong elbow forces "Snowpiercer" to lose his balance and fall to the floor. Ronnie drops a powerful fist onto Chuck. "Snowpiercers" eyes roll back into his head, and this fight is over.