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Light Heavyweight (205lbs)

Alejandro "Two Day Old Flan" Lopez
420 Fight Club
Catch & Shoot
Age: 33
Record: 20 - 17
Ranking: 0
Lin "The Taipei Waterfall" Tngg
Sadaharu Oh Dojo
Pull Guard
Age: 33
Record: 19 - 11
Ranking: 0

Round 1
Lin connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. Alejandro hits an uppercut to the head of Tngg followed by a hard hook. Alejandro Lopez throws a flurry connecting with the final punch. Tngg is rocked and stumbles to the ground but quickly shakes it off. Lin hits a lead uppercut and follows with a hard hook to the head of Lopez. The fighters circle each other. A shot is side stepped by Tngg but quick reflexes and footwork lead to a second attempt that takes down Tngg. Lopez settles into his guard. The round comes to an end.

Round 2
Alejandro connects with a hard punch making Tngg bring him in to a tight clinch. Alejandro Lopez is able to work to two overhooks and lands some strong knees and short hooks. Lin attempts a takedown from the clinch, but "Two Day Old Flan" pulls a switch on him, ultimately leading to both fighters on their feet. Alejandro Lopez attempts a takedown, but Tngg clumsily falls down without much provocation. Alejandro Lopez stands over Lin Tngg, works his way through his open guard and lands some solid standing punches. Lin Tngg is able to grab an arm and pull Alejandro Lopez into his guard. Lopez stands up with Lin still holding guard. As Lin releases his guard Lopez spins to a kneebar but it is too shallow. Lopez takes couple of shots to the head. The fighters scramble to standing position. Alejandro Lopez works Lin Tngg into the cage, swimming for double underhooks. Alejandro Lopez presses his head into Lins chest, forcing him to the ground. Tngg begins to posture on his side. Lopez lands a couple of outside hooks and Tngg returns to the guard. Alejandro Lopez distracts Lin Tngg with some peppering shots. Alejandro Lopez then isolates a leg and sinks a achilles lock. Lin Tngg cannot seem to work his way out. Alejandro Lopez sinks it deeper and Lin Tngg screams out in pain and taps.

Alejandro "Two Day Old Flan" Lopez wins by Submission (Achillies Hold)