Round 1 Cillian connects with a jab cross combination. After an exchange of punches, the fighters engage in the clinch. Shi takes Cillian Molloys back standing. Cillian Molloy isolates an arm to lock a spinning kimura but Shi lands a sharp shovel punch that forces Cillian Molloy to release. Molloy connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. "Son of Bai Cheng" fakes a takedown attempt and clinches with Cillian Molloy. Shi Gao uses his under and overhook to hit a solid body toss takedown, landing in full guard. Shi Gao tries to move to half guard but Molloy uses the opportunity to land several strikes and return to full guard. Shi pushes down Cillians leg, allowing him to pass guard into half guard. Cillian Molloy hits an upward elbow on Gao, and attempts to get to full guard. During the scramble though Gao takes side control. Molloy takes a few knees to the body while under Gaos side control. "Son of Bai Cheng" wraps the arm of Cillian Molloy behind his back and traps it. "Son of Bai Cheng" pounds away with shots to the face. Round 1 is over.
Round 2 Molloy attempts to press in but Gao uses a inside reaping to put Molloy on the canvas. Gao hops to side control. "Son of Bai Cheng" wraps the arm of Cillian behind his back and traps it. "Son of Bai Cheng" pounds away with shots to the face. Gao drops some good elbows to the face of Cillian Molloy forcing him to give up his back. Cillian Molloy starts to wiggle out of back control, "Son of Bai Cheng" lets him escape putting them both on their feet. "Son of Bai Cheng" stuff a shot from Cillian Molloy and lands several shots to the body. Cillian Molloy attempts to pull guard but "Son of Bai Cheng" pushes his way to half guard. Shi is able to slip into mount from the half guard. Molloy gives his back up trying to escape the mount. Cillian starts to wiggle out of back control, "Son of Bai Cheng" lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Cillian shuffles away from Shi Gaos strikes and lands a powerful chopping kick to the lead leg. Shi Gao backs away, obviously feeling the affects of the kick. Cillian attempts a takedown, but cannot finish it. Shi takes advantage of the moment taking side control. Shi Gao gets an overhook on the head and grabs his own thigh then proceeds to step over into north south position. Cillian Molloy twists and scrambles out to standing. Round 2 is finished.
Round 3 Cillian connects with a brutal kick to the liver of Shi who falls to the ground. Cillian waves him back to his feet. Cillian Molloy connects with a leg kick then a hook to the side of the head. Cillian Molloy connects with a combination and backs away from the counter combo of Shi Gao. "Son of Bai Cheng" connects with a strong right hook. Gao lands a double jab. "Son of Bai Cheng" takes a heavy kick to the arm attempting to block his head. Shi moves in to press the action, but Cillian Molloy lands a heavy back kick. Round 3 is finished.