Round 1 Andranik Atamian reaches down and trips Ronald with a beautiful ankle pick. Andranik Atamian dives into back control. Andranik is working a furious pace on Ronald, intermingling strikes with positional dominance at will. Flowers starts to wiggle out of back control, Andranik Atamian lets him escape putting them both on their feet. Ronald is brought to his back by a well executed takedown from Andranik. Andranik now has side control. Andranik Atamian slides his knee across the body of Flowers and takes full mount. Andranik Atamian secures his position. Atamian executes a double hand slap to the ears of Ronald. The round comes to an end.
Round 2 Andranik Atamian lands a double jab. Ronald lands a devastating overhand right on Andranik. Flowers connects with a right that puts Atamian off balance tumbling to the mat, as Flowers towers over him. Flowers kicks at the legs of Atamian and then asks him to stand up. The referee tells Atamian to stand. Andranik throws a hard jab but Ronald throws a cross right over the top that knocks Andranik to the ground. Ronald stands over Andranik Atamian, works his way through his open guard and lands some solid standing punches. Andranik Atamian cannot trap him in his guard and pushes him away instead. Ronald kicks at the legs of Atamian and then asks him to stand up. The referee tells Atamian to stand. Flowers winds up a heavy straight but is countered by a hard counter knee to the body. Andranik misses an uppercut and is knocked out by a cross from Flowers.